full term?? i'm confused!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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i am 37 wks tomoz and apparantly that is full term..can someone please explain to me how it works..if i am full term how come i have 3 weeks left?? it doesn't take much to confuddle me :think: xx
I *think* it's because a 37 week old baby is considered fully developed and very rarely requires any medical attention after it is born. After 37 weeks, a baby just puts on weight while in your tummy, all of it's organs and reflexes are complete.

Congratulations on being full term tomorrow!
LaineyG said:
I *think* it's because a 37 week old baby is considered fully developed and very rarely requires any medical attention after it is born. After 37 weeks, a baby just puts on weight while in your tummy, all of it's organs and reflexes are complete.

Congratulations on being full term tomorrow!
Yeah Lainey's right!

Basically, if your baby arrived tomorrow, then it would be considered full term and no longer premature! :cheer:

Which means... Baby Riottgrrl is free to arrive any time now if they wish lol!! xx
Yes and for the purpose of home births, they will deliver the baby at home without the need for going to hospital. Anything prior to 37 weeks is preemie and you need to be in hospital.

Congrats on your full term tomorrow.
i am 37 wks tomoz and apparantly that is full term..can someone please explain to me how it works..if i am full term how come i have 3 weeks left?? it doesn't take much to confuddle me :think: xx
I *think* it's because a 37 week old baby is considered fully developed and very rarely requires any medical attention after it is born. After 37 weeks, a baby just puts on weight while in your tummy, all of it's organs and reflexes are complete.

Congratulations on being full term tomorrow!
LaineyG said:
I *think* it's because a 37 week old baby is considered fully developed and very rarely requires any medical attention after it is born. After 37 weeks, a baby just puts on weight while in your tummy, all of it's organs and reflexes are complete.

Congratulations on being full term tomorrow!
Yeah Lainey's right!

Basically, if your baby arrived tomorrow, then it would be considered full term and no longer premature! :cheer:

Which means... Baby Riottgrrl is free to arrive any time now if they wish lol!! xx
Yes and for the purpose of home births, they will deliver the baby at home without the need for going to hospital. Anything prior to 37 weeks is preemie and you need to be in hospital.

Congrats on your full term tomorrow.
I read somewhere that because due dates are all guess work really as you can go off last period date, scan dates etc & no-one can ever be 100% sure when baby will arrive, "full term" is given to the time when baby is fully developed & is safe to be born so you are full term anywhere from 37-42 weeks :D I can wait for sunday as hats when ill be classed as full term and then if everything goes well i can try for my home birth! I say try as everyone that i know thats had kids thinks im insane :lol: but hey... i like trying things differently :lol:

ooo scary stuff.. ive just noticed my time line along the bottom is now on the last baby! ARGHHHHHHHHH this is getting real!

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