Virgin breast feeder


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Any tips would be grateful at the moment its going fine but he is hurting my nipple no matter how much tit i cram in his mouth its not to painful but unsure if i am doing it right x
He needs a nice wide mouth, point your nipple up in to the roof of his mouth and try and make sure lots of your areola is covered.

Try holding a different way and if latch is wrong use your fingertip to prise him off x
I had a section too so harder to sit up and get him in to position x
If it hurts after a few sucks take him off! He will shred your nips.

Big wife mouth, chin to booby first and grit your teeth for 5 secs.

Put some Lansinoh on straight after your feed to let your nips recover.

Have someone come out and check your latch as well.

Hang in there, it gets easier.

Good luck!
It can be painful at first, it doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem. When you unlatch him is you nipple misshapen at all? If it is then he's latched badly. Your nipples will evetually toughen and it won't feel at all painful.

Can you hear him swallowing, also look at his jaw area just under his ear you should see him swallowing.

Expect to not move for the next few weeks and let him feed as much as he wants as this will get your supply up. Feet up on the sofa or in bed with some good films and lots and lots of water and healthy snacks.

If possible ask for a lactation advisor to come to your house, so they can spend some time perfecting the latch and making sure everything is going well. And when you feel up to it visit a breastfeeding group they can really boost your confidence when you're feeling tired.

Most importantly enjoy it, I'm sure you will do wonderfully :)
Are you able to lay comfortably? If you cn try feeding him laying down with him next to you.
Are you able to lay comfortably? If you cn try feeding him laying down with him next to you.

That is the best thing ever. Saved my life at night. Doing it right now!

Hang on in there! It gets so much easier!

Can't even sit up really at the moment x going to try and get out of bed today x so hopefully once i sit in a chair i can sort his latch out x

39 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
it can take a week for your nips to toughen up so lots of lansinoh til they have. try the rugby ball hold maybe? lying down feeding is awesome for nighttime too.
Had some help from midwifes and had less latching pain today so happy about that he seems happiest on a side ways facing my breast hold on a pillow x

thats good hun, you will find what works for you, the first week was pretty painful and then it got better, it shouldnt hurt once hes latched on properly and i think i used an entire tube of lansinoh in the first 2 weeks lol but now its waaaaay easier. just keep at it if its what you wanna do, it will get easier and the first few weeks are a great excuse to sit on the sofa or in bed with chocs and movies as your pretty much constantly feeding to build supply and then there is a growth spurt at 4 weeks. you will make enough if you let lo feed on demand no matter how often he wants to feed. as long as hes awake and actively feeding at breast your body will be able to keep up with his needs.
Had a good morning feeding him still having some bad latches but more good ones too now i have been shown again a way to sort him out plus i have been removing him when he slips down to the nipple x
Feel like giving up now my left breast is burning to high hell and i am so tired x

Both nipples are on fire. Going to see how the next feed goes and if bad going to try bottle x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
hang in there hun, it does hurt and mine got bleeding patches on them at first, are you using lansinoh?
Yeah they gave me some before i had a good cry and hot shower then grabbed the feeding pillow and put him on the better breast and he fed well for half an hour and it didn't hurt like before got his latch checked and if was ok so am happy about that x

Going to see how i get on tomorrow if i get my milk in and that. That's my next challenge and also tonight x heres hoping the next feed on the left breast isn't too painful x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
if you need to you could skip feeding him on that one and express from it instead to give it a break but just dont skip many. i hope your milk comes in soon hun, mine did on day 3 and it helped a bit, day 5 was the worst and then it felt better. i got thrush too and had to take painkillers just so i could stand having her latch on, it hurt so bad i was wincing and dreading every feed but the pain only lasted a few days and got much better with meds. just take each day as it comes and keep thinking it will get better. in the meantime enjoy lots of skin to skin with lo as that will help milk production too :)

oh and slather on that lansinoh, you dont have to remove it before feeding and it is the shizz for soothing and healing sore nips
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My partner brought my pump in but its not sterilized and i can't do it here. Hoping to go home tomorrow x

I am trying my best to stick at it just don't know how much longer i am going to last for with no sleep lol x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
can the mw's not either sterilise your pump or lend you one? they should have them at the hosp really being all pro bf and all. your doing really well hun and you should be proud of yourself for giving it a good try. i know how hard it is and lack of sleep is a killer. i hope he sleeps a bit for you so you can catch up, its really hard to nap in hosp so i know you can get more sleep at home when he naps you should try to. i did it in the afternoon after lunch when in hosp after having Alyssa.

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