views about sex on first trimester ??


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2015
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I am 7 weeks, and I am anxious about sex I just wanted to know all your lovely ladies views on this ? Have use reduced having sex or still the same ?
I had bleeding in 1st trimester for 1st pregnancy and sadly miscarried, so this time around we haven't had sex at all, we may wait until 14weeks. But it is totally up to you and how anxious you feel. Sex does not cause miscarriage, I only held off due to what happened first time around xx
We had sex a few times the week after we found out then nausea hit and since then I've hardly even wanted hubs near me :oops:
Do only what you are comfortable with! We have continued having sex as normal and also did the same when I was pregnant with my first son. Some ladies are advised against sex by a doctor but that is not in "normal" circumstances.

Maybe TMI...but definitely no toys. Would probably avoid any fingers too...ahem :D xx
We haven't changed anything about how often we have sex etc. Some people prefer not to, but it isn't related to MC at all so it hasn't stopped us. Also, happy hormones released during (and after) sex are meant to be good for babies :) I was quite surprised when I read that!
we still have sex yes but not as often with me feeling yukk x
We have once.since finding out but I'm not in the mood at all
I was also worried after 3 MC. But it seems this time my sex drive has gone through the roof! :) it's 100% safe during pregnancy and will not cause MC. It's completely up to you and you're partner. :)

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