very very worried


Dec 21, 2008
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Morning ladys,

When i went doctors 2 weeks ago he had told me i was 15wks. Now for the past 5 days i've had severe nausea and vomiting and i decided to go to the hostpital because i was very worried as i have yet to have a scan, anyway the midwife felt my tum and used a doppler is that what you call it and said she couldnt hear no heartbeat and said maybe im not 16 wks but less so im going for a scan on mon.

Im so scared i don't even feel pregnant anymore and my breast aint sore at all im getting all these crazy thoughts i'm trying to stay positive im just so scared.

any advice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didnt want to read and run hun..

It could be that you arent 16 weeks yet, Doctors sometimes go on the date of your last period, which isnt always exactly when you concieved your Little one. Dont Worry, you will more than likely be less weeks pregnant than you think, i know monday seems so long away, but everything will be fine.

Chin up!!! xxx
Aww hun I really feel for you :hug:

There's nothing you can do other than wait for Monday, are feeling better though have you stopped being sick and stuff?

I really hope you and baby are ok.

Berry x
:hug: I was told @ 16 weeks it was quite tricky to find the heartbeat. I can understand why your so worried. Keep us updated Hotcaramel :hug:
By 9 weeks onwards your hormones are then levelling off so symptoms become less and if youre one of the lucky ones they stop and you might start worrying if youre even pregnant! This is normal and the majority of people expeience this.
Dont worry too much, Monday is just around the corner now :hug:
HollyHobby said:
By 9 weeks onwards your hormones are then levelling off so symptoms become less and if youre one of the lucky ones they stop and you might start worrying if youre even pregnant! This is normal and the majority of people expeience this.

I was gonna say that too :hug:

Not long to wait till Monday, let us know how you get on. What time is your appt?

:hug: :hug:
my boobs were tender at the very earyl weeks and then felt fine until only the past couple of weeks so im sure symptoms can go on and off, same with sickness, my sickness was easing and then i threw up all night so im sure it doesnt mean too much and like the others say, docs cant tell you your excact dates really, you need a scan to be doubly sure so good luck and im sure your okay babes. big hugs!!! xxx
Thank you for all your replies,

Trying to be positive i know im just being silly but they say the older you get the more you worry,with my my first pregnancy all i could remember was the morning sickness.

Feeling much better now the new medication seems to be taking affect im still vomiting just in morning and at night so its a good thing at least i keeping most things down.

My appt is at 12.30 so as soon as i know ill let evry1 know.

Thanks again made me feel a whole lot better.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Don't go by breasts not being sore. Mine were only tender for a couple of weeks and have been fine ever since.
I know its hard but try not to worry. There is nothing you can do until your appt.

Good luck.
When I went to the doctors going by the date of my last period (She discounted one as she thought it could have been an implantation bleed as it wasn't as heavy as usual) she calculated that I was approx 12 weeks pregnant. I had some pains so went for a scan only to be told that I was only 5 weeks pregnant and therefore no heartbeat yet. I was relieved as I would have hated to have missed out on the first 3 months even though the nausea kicked in at about 8 weeks. so the Doctor may have it wrong. My Breasts were not that tender either

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