Venturing into the world of Potty training!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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AJ is 2 on 19 Nov :shock:
The past couple of weeks he's been very interested in the potty/toilet.

Asking for the potty, although not doing anything. He can stay dry for an hour!:shock:
Monday, went to change him after playgroup and he asked for the toilet. Took his nappy off, to find he'd 'just' wee'd, but he sat on the loo anyway.
Monday night after his bath he refused to have his nappy on, wanted the thomas undies :) Later asked for the toilet as he wee'd! Bless him.

This morning he woke, asking for the toilet. Sat but did nothing. He's been dry since wearing his undies! :shock: Its going on 1 1/2 hrs now! :shock:

He hates weeing without his nappy on so my plan is to keep the nappy off so he can get used to the feeling of weeing 'freely' :lol:

Any advice would be great :D
When we started training Brandon we first just started at home, let him run around without any nappies or pants (tried pants but weed himself quite a lot and got really upset) so he got used to the feeling when he needed a wee and within days he did not have any accidents at all. Now he wears pants (long days out still a nappy) and hardly ever has an accident. Took a bit longer with poo's, he absolutely hated doing a poo on a potty, only started doing that about a month ago... Good luck, you will need quite a bit of patience ;) x

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