Veggies & Vegans?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Any other veggies or vegans out there? I'm a strict veggie but not vegan, although with the morning sickness I'm probably almost vegan just now as dairy turns my stomach! Are you taking any extra vitamins or changed your diet?

I do worry a bit that I might not give the growing bean everything it needs but I could never eat meat, think I'd probably be sick after not eating it for 20 years! I've upped the nut intake but what else have you been adding in if anything?

My hubby is a big meat eater (although I make sure he only buys organic, free range and British!) so although he isn't moaning at me just now, over the years he's always telling me it's unhealthy so I'm waiting for the comments to start, probably once the morning sickness ends!

Also has anyone craved meat? My friend said what will you do if you crave meat but I just said I would ignore the craving!
My friend was 42 with her first baby and is a strict Vegan and has been for 20 years. She had a very smooth, healthy and happy pregnancy. Her little one was born healthy and is now 3 years old. Hes also strict vegan.
I've been veggie for over 20 years and used to be a vegan. Have not added anything extra into my diet, didn't even take vitamins although probably could have! My iron levels always come back high and my baby boy is massive so I know I'm perfectly healthy! Funnily enough I have craved meat a little!! Just rubbish from my childhood like tins of beans and sausages or pepperoni pizza! I never gave into it though...although I did walk round with a tin of beans & sausages in Tesco for a while before putting it back, lol xxx
Don't worry about it. As long as you are staying hydrated you will be fine in these early stages. I'm taking multivitamins for pregnancy from Sainsburys & did with my last pregnancy. My son was born weighing in at 9lb 7oz so he definitely did not suffer from my vegetarianism. I was very anaemic after having Joseph, but that was due to haemorrhaging & iron tablets & blood transfusions sorted that out eventually. Try to eat iron rich vegetables such as spinach or iron rich fruit such as dried apricots & drink fresh orange juice with your meal to help iron absorption. Try to avoid caffeine 1 hour before or after meals as this affects iron absorption too. Hope your sickness passes soon - I've had it this time & it was awful! I found ice lollies & Lucozade helped a lot with keeping hydrated & energy levels up.

Sunnyb xxx
Oohhh so many veggies! I've been veggie for almost 30years since I was a wee toddler (yes it was entirely my decision I was a precocious brat & refused to eat anything but tuna or chicken & at the age of 2 found out that my pet hens were what I was actually eating when I ate chicken & point blank refused ever since lol.
I have had slight cravings for meat, not massively but sometimes I have, very odd as last time I cooked a steak for OH I ended up throwing up actually ON it whilst cooking because of the smell of the iron in the blood :(
I think cravings for meat are just an actual craving for protein, I've been obsessed with cheese & eggs since my sickness started to subside slightly recently. I can eat a packet of quorn burgers with cheese melted on top, or an omlette with cheese most days! I have been completely off milk though as that always makes me very sick.
I've been taking the pregnacare vitamins & despite my hyperemisis still going rather strong at 28+ weeks my iron count is always fine. Like everyone says really fruit, green leafy veg & nuts & seeds (ESP pumpkin seeds!) x
Ooh & soya, soy milk etc if dairy is doing you no favours don't worry though I didnt keep one thing down in T1 & the best part of T2 because of my hyperemisis & lost loads of weight but bubs is still all good so soon as your sickness improves u can crack on becoming a dairy Queen! :) x
Thanks everyone, it's reassuring there's no problems, hopefully I'll be back on the cheese soon! Didn't think of meat cravings are probably protein related so I'll bear that in mind if I suddenly fancy a steak!
I'm 31 and have always been veggie - so don't know the taste of it so think I would not crave it - certainly have not yet.

I eat healthily - and think thats all that matters!
Hey Sarah

I was a strict vegan until I got pregnant... then strangely had a craving for milkybars afterwards that I've never really quite managed to lose.

As a vegan I gather it's crucial to get enough calcium & vitamin D (I think the baby tries to nab some of your calcium off you to develop its bones? what is the saying, gain a baby, lose a tooth?) so you might want to look at supplements there? I take a vitamin D2 spray (as D3, the usual one, is not veggie) but I had to order that in from America! I also drink fortified oat milk.

Also, the microvitamin folic acid tablets I got from Boots are completely vegan :)

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I had noticed some supplements and vitamins are not veggie. I keep reading that omega 3 is something pregnant women need but not too much of it, obviously I don't eat fish, anyone know if there is a good food substitute? I eat advocados and nuts so they must have good fats in them too.
I had noticed some supplements and vitamins are not veggie. I keep reading that omega 3 is something pregnant women need but not too much of it, obviously I don't eat fish, anyone know if there is a good food substitute? I eat advocados and nuts so they must have good fats in them too.
The ones in the soft jelly tabs/ capsules often have gelatin in hun thats why samw with some painkillers x

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