ureatha/clit pain and incontinence after birth

Heres Hoping

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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I had my baby 9 days ago by normal delivery. He was a big baby at 8lb 12oz and i was left very swollen with really big grazes but no tears.

Ive had a lot of pain since but today im really suffering. My ureatha/clit area feels bruised slightly numb and in a lot of pain after sitting, when walking about. I feel like theres some numbness too especially when i pee, plus i notice i can leak pee which stings like mad as the grazes are huge. Its really getting me down now and feel like im ruined down there.

Has anyone experienced this? Would appreciate any advice or tips. How long did it last? Im terrified im going to have long term problems x
I didn't have any incontinence (that I know of but I was wearing pads for three weeks so may have leaked and not noticed) but I did have the same pain, I was worried as I had no idea what it was, it lasted about 3 weeks for me.
I had a small tear and for sure I felt swollen down there for a good two weeks. I also had some incontinence but with kegel exercises it went away after a few weeks.

I too was worried that recovery was slow but I believe it's perfectly normal for the delicate parts down there to take several weeks to feel normal again. After all, the physical trauma that is getting a baby out of there is no small feat!

You'll feel well soon!
I had that feeling for about 3 weeks! It was horrible but it did just disappear after a while.

X x
I had my baby 2weeks ago and had a 3rd degree b tear.

I felt very sore couldn't sit or walk very far and was petrified to go to the toilet.

My MW suggested taking a sports Lucozade bottle (squirty top) to the toilet and fill with warm water and when you go to the toilet squirt the water as you pee this will help wash the area and take the sting away at the same time. Really helped me.

Also when passing BM you can hold a pad at the front to help support.

When in the shower I took cotton wool in to wash below as could clean without worry. And plenty of baths, especially before bed!

Two weeks on and I feel like a different person, still using pads, but although still tender not sore and off the painkillers.
But don't think you are alone with the way you are feeling I was in tears with pain and frustration when I first came home, and when I was still in hospital.
I was lucky and only had a graze and a small tear that didn't need stitches but I was sore and struggled to sit down and go to the toilet so I sympathise!

I sat on a doughnut type ring that was padded, it was lovely and my midwife suggested I got into the shower to pee or pour water when I'm peeing. I didn't do this but I did use lavander oil in the bath mixed with a little milk. I used a shot glass -filled it with milk and then added a few drops of lavander oil to the milk before adding in to the bath and mixing around. It's supposed to help with healing. It did seem to soothe the stinging. The midwife also suggested I put some lavander oil onto a pad but that really stung!
I had urethra/clitoris pain for about 8 weeks I think...thought it would never go away but it did! Hope you feel better soon
have you tried sitting in a warm bath of baedeaus bath stuff? I was recommended this, it's not cheap stuff really but it is very soothing and reduces swelling. Didn't sting either which was a bonus.

I sat in a bath of that every night for about 10-15 mins - helped me no end.
Oh god I forgot about the awful clit pain I had after my son :(

I had a foreceps delivery in theatre with episiotomy and I felt ruined too! You need to give yourself 6 weeks at least ! It takes months to feel better

Do lots of pelvic floor exercises , good tip with the lucozsde bottle! Shower the area a few times a day and dry well to keep it clean etc

It does feel like a car crash down there and will do for some time - it gets better but don't expect it to be like it was :/
Thanks girls, im relieved to know it can be quite normal, had myself worrying something was wrong. Have already been using a jug of water when weeing but the sport bottle sounds like a good idea. Will try and get some of those oils as well.

Just feels like its getting worse every day as opposed to better. No one warned me about this!! Least now i know it will take a few weeks. x
I used warm water on my tears. I just soaked some loo roll in warm water and rinsed it over my bits.

I suffered from incontinence too and it started to go 2 weeks post natal after doing serious amounts of pelvic floor exercises. Go see a GP if you are worried though :-)
I had numbness and pain too and it lasted about 3 months. Felt really down about it when trying to be intimate for first time as I thought things would never "work again" lol, it does go back to normal though it just takes a bit of time and patience xx
I don't think I'll ever stop wearing maternity pads. I can get away with thinner ones now for bleeding but I need the cushion!

I got a UTI during labour so had the added unpleasantness of that x
Also leaning forward while you're having a wee really helps.....well it did for me anyway! I had an episiotomy and was in so much pain for what felt like forever! I was also worried it would never get back to normal as even after a few weeks it was still just as bad. If it started to feel a bit better and I started doing a bit more or walking too far it would go back to being really painful so my advice is get lots of rest if you can - not easy with a newborn I know! Don't worry, it will get better! xx

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