upset tummy (might be tmi!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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I've just had an upset tummy again :roll: Have had this on and off for the past few's not constant diarrhoea, just when I need to go I get griping pains and trapped wind....then when I do manage to go it's...uhm....loose shall we say :|

I wonder if maybe I have a bug or something? I don't have any other symptons though and I feel quite fine. I'm not sure whether diarrhoea is pregnancy is normal - thought I was meant to be constipated,not the opposite :rotfl:

Can anyone help?

C xxx
it actually all sounds normal to me. i've been like that on and off throughout. constipation then diarrhoea then back to constipation then diarrhoea again. the amount of times i have had to run to the loo with trapped wind and the real need to go and as soon as you sit on the loo it just falls out of your bum along with the trapped wind at the same time (tmi i know but true) :rotfl:

unless your getting any other symptoms then i wouldn't have thought it was a tummy bug. i just think its our bodys way of getting rid of all the poison after being constipated for a while. it obvioulsy all builds up and has to come out eventually. hope that helps in some way unless i am completely wrong and it is a tummy bug and in that case i have had several :eek:
samanthajayne said:
the amount of times i have had to run to the loo with trapped wind and the real need to go and as soon as you sit on the loo it just falls out of your bum along with the trapped wind at the same time (tmi i know but true) :rotfl:

I couldn't have put it better myself :rotfl: Glad I'm not the only one who suffers the occasional bum explosion :lol:

Ive been exactly the same, and i had it in my first pregnancy in the 3rd tri, its always late at night and the griping pain is awful!! Then im on the loo for at least an hour (tmi) i had it last night so am off work today as im shattered!!!

Its completely normal but very annoying!!! Hope you feel better soon :hug:

Gems x x

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