It's been a while! But will note down everything I remember (copied and pasted from my journal)
Audra Bunny Andrew, born 05/05/2016 at 8.42pm weighing 2920g.
I posted on here the days leading up about EWCM, globs of mucus and a tight pressure very low down in my pelvis on and off. The night before the pressure came in irregular waves and were just uncomfortable. I'd also started raspberry leaf tea three days before - coincidence, probably.
The morning of, they started again at around 10am at 6-10 mins apart lasting about 15 seconds. I honestly didn't think they were contractions because they felt NOTHING like I had imagined them to. It was more like needing a really big poo - it wasn't like period pains, it wasn't really in my belly. Husband got home from work at 12.30pm, they were then 5 mins apart and painful enough to need to concentrate on them. I called the hospital a little bit later, told them I think I may be having contractions, they told me to come in.
I had a bath (needed to shave!!), pissed about for a while, husband of course hadn't packed his bag that I'd been asking him to pack for weeks, he had a shave, pissed about some more... contractions ramped up on the way to the hospital and were getting more painful and 4 minutes apart. No parking spaces - had to park on the top floor of the multistory and walk to the bloody maternity unit whilst contracting.
Got to hospital at 3.30pm, handed over notes in the hospital, was told to wait in the waiting room. Contractions were pretty painful by now, was left waiting for nearly half an hour in that room with other people watching me...
Went into be examined, already 5cm dilated, was taken to the labour ward. Had to be monitored throughout and tied to machine because she was coming early. Spent an hour or so labouring without anything then I accepted gas and air - didn't love it to begin with, but it did really help I think. Stood the entire time holding onto husband and rocking (he'd put my favourite music on for me as I hadn't made a playlist or anything yet).
Waters broke about 6pm I think - I just remember looking down and OH trying to get his feet out of the way of the flood lol Can't believe how much there was! Midwife asked how the contractions felt now that my waters had gone - felt like I needed to push, and at that point I asked for an epidural which she replied with "well lets examine you and see..." (my husband later told me that she looked at him and shook her head and mouthed "no way" lol).
I then had 2.5 hours pushing, my husband willing me on like he was at a bloody football match. They were telling me to change position ect but I was just too exhausted to move, my husband had to pick me up and turn me over. Baby was stuck so they had to cut me before trying forceps I think - but then she just flew out (wish they'd made the cut a little earlier!).
Put her on my chest, I was shaking and in absolute shock. Took her to the little baby table thing and she wasn't crying, I was in a bit of a panic. But she was fine, they brought her back to me and we had skin to skin, she fed well straight away, pooed on me. Stayed like that for about an hour and then daddy had some skin to skin.
I cannot believe I did it just on gas and air. I'm still amazed at myself.
Oddly, looking back on the labour now I have great fondness of the memory, and would look forward to doing it again. I'm disappointed I didn't get a water birth, and that I hadn't planned my music and what not - but once the contractions were hitting me I didn't really care. I'm also pretty pissed off (it really upset me actually) that husband wasn't offered to cut the cord, midwife just did it straight away (I had waited delayed cord cutting also) - I do now see the reasoning though, I understand they had to whisk her off and make sure she was fine.
Hasn't been overly easy since. We were in hospital for several nights due to jaundice - which she still has two weeks later. She's far more alert now (didn't hear her cry for over a week), but not gaining as much weight as she should be. So we're being monitored and may need to go back into hospital next Friday if jaundice is still visible.
I'm breastfeeding, which I am really enjoying. But wondering if I'm doing the right thing by her if she's not gaining properly.
The lack of sleep is taking it's toll over the last couple of days. She sleeps well - if in bed with me. I didn't want to go down that route, but as soon as she's put down she cries (day and night).
I am happy. I have my girl. Seeing my husband hold her is the best feeling I could imagine.