

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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I was back at hospital today, had to go back to get results of last day 21 test and if no ovulation clomid was to be upped to 100mg. Well found out that no ovulation again for 2nd month :(. Dr advised to to start taking 100mg of Clomid this month and I need to go back to hosp on day 12 for scan to see if they can find out whats going on. I then need to go back to hospital for my day 21 blood instead of my GP.

Was hoping for better news and the last no ovulation was just a blip :(

At least they are still investigating so still have to keep positive.

Not sure whats involved in the scan but not really looking forward to it.
Awh hun sorry about your results.. Hopefully they can find out whats going on with the scan and it wont be all that bad.. And i hope the higer dose of clomid works this month x
That's awful news :(

Really sorry the clomid hasn't kicked it, but i think they can up you dose by quite a bit yet so i'm sure they'll get it right soon :hug:
I find out next week if my first cycle of clomid has worked, have a bad feeling it hasn't!!

Sorry the clomid hasn't kicked started for you yet but good news that they have offered you a scan, they use them to check the follicles on your ovaries, it is a great way to find out if you are about to ovulate. Some hospitals offer these every month with clomid, unfortunately I only got offered the blood test.
I find out next week if my first cycle of clomid has worked, have a bad feeling it hasn't!

I think it's natural to start feeling a bit negative but hopefully your wrong :hug:
Vicky is it uncomfortable getting the scan? Not sure what to expect

If its an internal scan then no its not painful at all hun, I had one when they checked me for pcos and I found it a lot more comfortable then a smear they put a round pillow under my bum and covered my mid section with a sheet so i didn't feel embaressed at all, try not to worry to much about that xxx

Louise your right I always think the worse that way I am not to disappointed xx
Thanks Vicky and hugs to you, hope your Clomid works soon xxxx
Latest update

Was supposed to go for my day 12 scan on Monday but still no AF, and negative BFP.

Had to call hosp and going back in tomorrow for hormone test as last 2 day 21 blood tests showed no ovulation. Still taking the odd flush as well.

Depending on outcome they will give me tabs to bring on my period and then I can start my 100mg of clomid.

Will keep you updated :)
Why do our bodies like to play games with us, hope it all goes well today for you xxx
Well this is all very anoying, how frustrating for you :(

The good thing is at least they are doing something about it and putting you forward for a scan. Don't worry hun it does not hurt.

Now all you need is for your body to stop playing games and get on with it!

Let us know how it goes.

All the best xx
Got results of blood test and showing that going to take a period next week, they have just told me to wait until that happens and then start my 100mg of clomid, body messing with me again, think possibly down to stress too xxx, hope all goes well for you girls too :) xxx

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