Update on things


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
I have called the infertility clinic. Had to tell the truth really cos I wanted to know the score! They have booked me in for early scan on 30th June. She basically said if the baby has implanted near the top of uterus then everything should be ok. If its near the bottom (where the polyp is) then I'll miscarry again. So I am kind of an 'at risk' pregnancy at the mo. So now just have to twiddle my thumbs till the 30th and hope baby is at the top! I'm feeling ok at the mo, had chat with hubby and we're both kind of 'in the middle', hopeful but realistic. If it works, it works, if it doesn't, at least we know my bits are still working enough to get pregnant again - even if it has taken over a year.
A big part of me just wishes things were simple and could enjoy the pregnancy and not have to worry....

Suppose I'm not allowed to be in this section anymore... :( I'm not ready for BFP announcements and certainly not ready for tri 1. I'll pop on and see how you are doing. Good luck and baby dust to all!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sounds like you've made the right choice there hun, fx the time will fly and baby is at the top.

You're welcome here as long as you want for me and I'm sure the others will feel the same.

I wish you well for the 30th. I will be looking out for an update.

Good luck hun xx
How annoying :(

At least you know the score like you said... two weeks break for you it is :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xx

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