I'm in a frustrating position - went for another scan yesterday after the first one at 6 weeks showed a sac measuring 4 weeks. Well the good news is that there is a baby in there and there is a heartbeat! However, the doctor was all gloom and doom saying the heartbeat wasn't fast enough at 102bpm and the baby hadn't grown much in 2 weeks, claiming that it had only grown 6mm???. Well considering there wasn't even a baby there 2 weeks ago, and it now measures 16mm CRL (which according to my pregnancy bible is right for 8 weeks), I don't know what she's talking about. The heartbeat may be a bit slow, but I've read several websites that say it should be between 90-110bpm at 7weeks - and I know I ovulated late...so my dates could be out. Basically the doctor said there was a glimmer of hope but I should be prepared that I could quite likely miscarry. She wanted me to go back again in a weeks time, but I dont trust her judgement anymore.
I've had no cramps or spotting, so from now on I'm going to listen to my body and not the doctors until I get to my 12 week scan. There's nothing I or they can do about it anyway if I did start to miscarry.
I was just happy to see a heartbeat (which I had to point out to the doctor on the screen) and a baby! Maybe I will be proved wrong and the doctor will be right, but negative stress is not doing me any favours at the moment. I'm going with my gut feeling that this baby will be all right. So still haven't got a due date
Going to change hospitals for my 12 week scan.
If anyone can share any thoughts on this, I'd appreciate it - I know a lot of places don't even give out the heartbeat rate so I'm a bit clueless whether 102 is something to be worried about?
Just had to get it off my chest...!
Thanks for listening
I've had no cramps or spotting, so from now on I'm going to listen to my body and not the doctors until I get to my 12 week scan. There's nothing I or they can do about it anyway if I did start to miscarry.
I was just happy to see a heartbeat (which I had to point out to the doctor on the screen) and a baby! Maybe I will be proved wrong and the doctor will be right, but negative stress is not doing me any favours at the moment. I'm going with my gut feeling that this baby will be all right. So still haven't got a due date
Going to change hospitals for my 12 week scan.
If anyone can share any thoughts on this, I'd appreciate it - I know a lot of places don't even give out the heartbeat rate so I'm a bit clueless whether 102 is something to be worried about?
Just had to get it off my chest...!
Thanks for listening