Update on Ally1979


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hey girls :wave:

Got a text from Ally at just after 10pm. (She can't get online at the moment)

She's noticed some bright pink blood and after a word with the labour ward (following the text) they have asked her to go in just to be checked over. She will keep me updated but hasn't said anything else about any other symptoms so far.

Will update when I hear more :)
Oh my God! She texted me earlier today but I didn't know this :oops: I'll text her later xxxx
hope you and little one are ok Ally hun - sendin you lots of love and huggles Sarah xxxx
Well we've been texting again the last half hour :D

They kept her in for observation over night. All appears to be well but they haven't actually been able to explain the cause.
She's got the day off work but sounds real busy with everything else bless her :hug:
Hope you are ok. Make sure you get some rest :hug:
Aww, best of luck Ally :hug: Sounds like what happened to me last night, but the MW told me it was my show (after an internal exam) and not to worry. Hopefully it's just the same thing for you. Keep us posted poppet!

C xxx
Helloooooooo everyone!!! I have pinched brother in laws internet connection for an hour!
Can i say a big thanks to my fab text buddy for keeping you all updated.
Had that stupid bloody consultant again when i went in who insisted that the baby was still breech even though the midwife had said Ceph 10 mins before him. Really was not impressed with my treatment in hospital so discharged myself in the end.

Had MW appointment yesterday and she said that he is talking out of his arse cos baby is 3/5 engaged (eeeeeek) and she was annoyed that i had not been offered a scan to check to placenta abrubption or that they didnt write anything in my notes so had i been rushed back in there was no record of previous admission.

I am feeling ok apart from terrible headaches, bp is fine so its not that. I finish work next tue and cant wait!!!!!! Our new place is in position and the old one has sold and gone :D Rich has spent till 11pm every night fixing the new place together and getting the power on. He needs to get the water and drains connected and then come hell or high water im moving in!!!!! Am sick of living in the static caravan with a max morning temp is 9 degrees!!

Also cant wait to have my internet connection back as i miss you guys and although i can read the forum on my phone it wont let me post :(
miss you too honey :hug: ere thats good news bout baby's head being engaged a bit :D well done on your hubby too! hope you is all settled again and back online soon :hug: much love xxxxx
Sorry I didn't reply to your last text! :oops: Preggo brain, I thought I had :lol:

Congrats again on the favourable position :hug:

Keep me postred :D

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