Update - I know my babys birthday!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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I have not been able to get on here for ages as the internet was down at home and at work they monitor net usage so I have been having PF withdrawal symptoms! However I thought I would sneak on this morning to say hi to all and give you a quick update.

You may remember my LO was breech and I was booked in for an ECV on Monday. Well I had the ECV, not a very pleasant experience, which unfortunately failed :( LO simply refused to budge, stubborn like its father! :lol: . So my babys birthday is 6th Oct!! - as I am having an elective c section
When the risks of a vaginal breech delivery with a first baby were explained to me it was kind of a no brainer although I am pretty disappointed. But I am not prepared to put LO at risk :shakehead:

Am also still at work full time :shock: :shock: and am finishing 3 days before C day! So am knackered! But still smiling - just! Oh and I passed my driving test!!!!!! :dance: :dance:

Well thats me, I cannot believe how many have had their LO's, CONGRATULATIONS! :dance: :dance: even my text buddy, fat lot of good as a text buddy I was for her! Am very sorry I was not around for that! So am now lacking a text buddy as I imagine she is a bit busy now, so if anyone is going spare........?! :lol:

Lots of these to all :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope everyone is doing OK, welcome to those arrived in 3rd tri since I was here last.
Love Helsxx
Well done on the driving test hun :clap:
Sorry about the EVC but at least you know where you are at now and can focus on you due date :D
You must be knackered still working, i bet you cant wait to finish.

I would be more than happy to be your text buddy if you want to pm me details hun :hug:
Aw thats lovely to know when they will be born and it sounds like a wise decision.

rest in the 3 days before hun you will need it
Aww, that's good news. You know when your baby will be here!

And Congratulations on passing your driving test :dance: :dance: :dance:
At baby signing on Tuesday I was chatting with a couple of mums and they had both had caesarians. They were happy about it and said that next time they'd definitely have a caesarian. I've heard an elective caesarian is a very calm and peaceful way to have a baby. Good luck!
Thanks guys :D
Yeah I will definately be resting in those 3 days and really cannot wait to finish work now am totally exhausted!
Kalia thanks for that, its good to hear positive c sec experiences.
Hennaly many thanks will pm you!
:hug: :hug:
Aww congrats hun! And thats a good nice date I think!!! ;)
Yay on passing your driving test!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Wow, can't believe you are still at work. You should get some rest before hand bless you.

At least you've given it everything by having the ECV. As you say, the main thing is to have baby delivered safe and well. Must be nice to know that the end is nigh now.

Congrats on passing your driving test too, that's great news.
Congratulations first of all on passing your driving test! :D I am currently studying my theory to take my exam and I am finding it extremely difficult. So well done you. :clap: :cheer:

Best of luck for your baby's birth - I think you made the right decision. :hug:

Oh and also, I am working right up until I go into labour so I am with you on that one. :wink:
Awww thanks guys! :hug: :hug: You have made me feel more secure in my decision

Ani really good luck with working right till the end, tis a real achievement trust me! Just make sure you rest when you can

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