Unsure where i am just now


New Member
Nov 23, 2016
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Morning All

I came here because I am a bit in limbo just now, I found out I was expecting my 2nd child about 2 weeks ago...... I took 8 pregnancy tests 7 showed faint lines and 1 negative. I got all the normal symptoms and I calculated that's based on everything I should be about 5 weeks this week so I carried on as normal waiting for my Midwife appointment on 30th November.

Then this Sunday past I woke up at 3pm for the toilet and there was bright red blood in the bowl and some red/brown light bleeding when I wiped only. I panicked and went to A&E but because I wasn't showing any other signs they send me home and told me to keep an eye.

The light bleeding carried on through Monday - I was wearing a pad but it wasn't even enough to stain the pad.... Only when I wiped and has been like that from Sunday until now......

I went to EPU yesterday and they gave me a scan but couldn't find any sign of baby anywhere, They said the lining of my uterus was thick which was good but no sign of baby. They did my bloods and I was sitting around 450 mark (not sure if that's good or bad for this stage) but the midwife seems to think I may be having a miscarriage so im back for more bloods tomorrow.

Im a little confused as I am spotting rather than bleeding, I have had not clots or bright/heavy bleeding. I did another pregnancy test this morning and the light came fast and dark than it has been before ..........

The hospital have me really worried but I have no idea what's going on or if im still even pregnant or if im just earlier than expected
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Hi Maddy. Sounds like things could go either way for you at the moment, fingers crossed you were just too early to see anything at the scan. Your blood results should be able to give you some answers, if all is increasing nicely when you get your next result that is great news. Some ladies do have a bit of bleeding and everything is fine. Have you got any pain with the bleeding? Limbo land is awful, I have my fingers crossed for you.
Just some light cramps etc ...... Altho I have just had a bit of a sore tummy with period like pains after lunch! Im thinking its not looking good and preparing myself for the worst but hoping for the best.
Hey honey, I really hope you have good news. I have to say though I dont think 450 is a great number if you are 5 weeks pregnant but I could be wrong. Your hcg should roughly double every day/couple of days. Im not saying this to upset you but having been in your situation I appreciated an honest answer. I also only just spotted as well no major bleeds. I really hope you have a good result though!! ⭐️

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