Unbearable tummy pain now :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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Well the pain is just getting worse :cry:, so I sent a text to my midwife asking who I need to contact once shes away and no reply :mad: , so sent a text to another midwife and she called me straight back, she thinks it could be a torn muscle :cry: , and said it will be extremely painful, but unfortunately, there's not much I can do :-( , only take paracetamol and a small amount of Ibuprofen... She also said that my midwife isnt away yet and to call her first thing tomoro to be seen :roll: , but if she cant fit me in then she would see me Friday instead, she seemed really nice...
Ohh you poor thing :(

goodness me sometimes i really think midwifes should act with more of a sense of urgency about some situations! I know they hear the same things so often so its just everyday life to them but for a pregnant mum everything is a matter of urgency when your in pain and need to speak to someone so they should be more considerate of this sometimes!

Hope you start to feel better :)

Hi Hayley,
Thanx for the message... Im a bit fed up with her to be honest, I had her with my first (nearly 6 years ago, so its like having my first again, its all changed) anyway, I remember her being taken onto the wards last time so I was left with 2 other MW's that kept swapping and changing... Now she says shes part time, but hasnt told me what days she actually works, and who to contact when shes off, and to top it all off, shes had holiday after holiday and Im actually supposed to be seen more regular then normal due to a heart and bp problem and if anything, I see her less then the norm...
Just feel at this time of my pregnancy, 37+weeks, I should have the support I need... But doesnt look like Im gonna get it from her..
Rant over... lol
Thats really crap :(

Its bad when pregnant mums dont get the support they need... Its difficult enough being pregnant as it is without being let down by the proffesionals!

ITs good that you have the telephone number for the other midwife but you would have thought they would be taking better care of you!

Ive heard some really bad stories about some mws since reading through different posts on here... they have a duty of care... the problem is 9 times out of ten they dont seem to care at all!

Ive just never known someone that works part time, have so much time off.... Just my luck to get one like her lol
Siany xx
Well went to the midwife today, and what a waste of time.... She thinks I have a torn muscle... When I got home, I looked at her notes and she had put "Some discomfort, abdominally" then underlined "Small patch", the cheek, lol, would like to see her with the same pain and say its just "some discomfort", its bloody agony, and I dont care about the size of it.... lol
Some discomfort?!

Im sure if it was only discomfort then you wouldnt have even mentioned it to her due to the fact that the majority of pregnancy is full of discomfort!

Cheeky cow...
I know what a cheeky bitch, lol Shes been like it with most things through out my pregnancy, wish I could change midwives, but no point now, only 2 weeks left....

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