Moofa said:
11 DPO and went to put my seatbelt on this morning and got a sharp stabbing pain in my left side (pelvic area) should I be worried? I tlast about 3 seconds and is throbbing now on and off
Hey Moofa, I had almost exactly the same thing on Saturday morning (12 dpo), a couple of hours before the odd spots. I was putting some washing in the machine and then got a really sharp pain on the left side, just below my belt. It had me doubled up and gasping, and I assumed it was AF cramps starting really severely, but it sort of stabbed 3 or 4 times and then nothing at all. It wasn't actually a cramping pain. I didn't get the throbbing though. Afterwards I assumed it was sth to do with my stomach rather than ovaries and put it down to eating waaaaaaaaaaay too much on Friday night. Hmmmm.
If you get spotting today, I'm going to be VERY interested!
Everyone else - all sounding good! Has anyone been tempted to test early?
Good luck and baby dust to all!
I'm now 14dpo, and no further spotting or AF
yet (expected today). Lots of BFNs, though
I was 100% sure I was out, but now I'm 99.9% sure, and starting to hope just a little bit. But my temp went down yesterday and today so it's pretty unlikely, unfortunately.