Tummy time


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Zach is 12weeks and he absolutely hates tummy time. He doesn't even try and lift his head up now, just sucks his hands and then screams! How are everyone elses babies doing with tummy time? X
morgan used to hate it but i started rolling up a towel and etting him lie over that so his face isnt squashed on the ground and he's really happy there, he lifted his head up to watch loose women in that position last week! :rofl: yesterday he went on his tummy without the towels and was fine :cheer:

have you tried putting him on your chest when youre ying down so he feels safer? im sure he'll get used to it soon xxx
Hey hon, Lucy also HATES tummy time - like tiny says, putting baby on your chest lying down sometimes helps. I probably sounds like one of those mums who is convinced their child is a genius but I'm sure that when Lucy is lying on her tummy on her mat she is trying to crawl (she moves her legs and arms in the right direction but just can't get the leverage) and she cries out of sheer frustration that she can't!
morgan does the same! i didnt want to say incase you all thought i was a right donut but he actually travelled about a metre yesterday kind of crawling but flat on the ground, looks like hes swimming!!
Zach is 12weeks and he absolutely hates tummy time. He doesn't even try and lift his head up now, just sucks his hands and then screams! How are everyone elses babies doing with tummy time? X

Annabelle is exactly the same!! x
I have the opposite problem, Ross hates being on his back! We've only just managed to get him in the bouncer for longer than 10 minutes and he now enjoys changing time because I distract him so much. He sleeps on his tummy and was able to skoot around the cot from about 9 weeks with ease, worrying eh! :)
Megs - Ross looks so grown up in your avatar!!

I dont give Emily much tummy time. Should I be?
its good for them to spend time on their tummy to get them used to being that way up and strengthens their muscles ready for crawling. a lot of babies who dont go on their tummies tend to bottom shuffle instead of crawling and its not as good for their coordination etc...
All of my kids have hated tummy time so i never really did it, only on my chest. Once they could roll onto their tummy's they used to cry but they soon learned to roll back over. Despite not getting tummy time, both kieran and jacob could crawl from 7 months. Lucas is 6 months now and gets all over the place by rolling around. He's not keen on being on his tummy still but once he's had enough he rolls back over. I guess i left it up to where they chose to be. xx
I feel much better now, thanks ladies!

Btw megsmeadow I can't believe how grown up Ross looks for 3 months, looks like he will be crawling before u know it! X
My son enjoys Tummy Time but he hates the fact he can not crawl yet. I use a boppy pillow and it works wonders!! We also have a play gym and the bottom of it is full of animals. It keeps his attention well.

My son can easily sleep on his back or well, he can sleep any place. He is going to be 3 months on the 28th. He is quick at learning things. He will soon flip over. He is starting too with moving his legs up in the air really high. He tries moving that way too.
All of my kids have hated tummy time so i never really did it, only on my chest. Once they could roll onto their tummy's they used to cry but they soon learned to roll back over. Despite not getting tummy time, both kieran and jacob could crawl from 7 months. Lucas is 6 months now and gets all over the place by rolling around. He's not keen on being on his tummy still but once he's had enough he rolls back over. I guess i left it up to where they chose to be. xx

thats reassuring, i keep thinking if he wsont go on his tummy he'll never play rugby for wales and his dad will be so disappointed!
Hehe, thanks ladies. That pic was taken on holiday when he was 9 weeks when he first started doing his big push ups! I think he's changed again since then, and can definately get around his cot no problem now :)
OMG Ross sounds so advanced!!

annabelle laughs, smiles tons, holds her head steady constantly, reaches for toys, and speaks a lot buttt she doesnt roll over AT ALL yet or anything like that??! and doesnt like tummy time x
Sarah hates tummy time too - she used to sleep on her tum and i think she thought i was trying to get her to sleep! Haven't tried it for a weeks or so as we have been on hols but two weeks ago she started sleepingon her back as she could find her thumb more easily so i think i'll try again soon. She hold her head better then most babes her own age and i don't have to support it unless she has just woken up or is sneezing! Once they start to roll they will get their tummy time so i shouldn't worry too much x
Hope I don't think he's advanced, he's just used to being on his tummy all night and for naps so working on all that stuff first. He's now frustrated when we lie him on his back or in his bouncy chair and is doing sit-ups. So funny to see the effort in his wee face! He'll have a six pack before he's six months!
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Cahal hates it too, he gets so frustrated!! Getting better all the time though, at least he's not eating his activity mat anymore :)
Hope I don't think he's advanced, he's just used to being on his tummy all night and for naps so working on all that stuff first. He's now frustrated when we lie him on his back or in his bouncy chair and is doing sit-ups. So funny to see the effort in his wee face! He'll have a six pack before he's six months!

Hahah bless him!! Must be a strong lad though x
The past 2days, he has gone brilliant at it, yay! He rolled over from is front to his back this morning doing it! Made up, I thought he was never going to get it! X

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