Tummy pain while BF


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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I am breast feeding our little girl and on the whole getting on well. However some feeds (now 2/3 times in 24hrs), she latches on, takes a few swallows then screws up her face in pain, kicks her legs around and throws head head from side to side burying it into my breast. She will then come of the breast, latch straight back on and repeat a few times. At which point she gives up. It seems like she is having bad tummy pains every time she swallows. I have tried winding her but it makes no difference.

Does anybody know what the cause is?
Does anybody know of anything I can do to make her more comfortable?
Is it likely to be caused by anything I have eaten?

i dont think it could have been wot uv ate if its happening alot
have u asked ur HV
(((Kina...Beanie....Lucy))) ...this one is for you girls! :wave:

Nicky, these girlies are the pro's. I hope they reply soon!

All I could think is that you wee baby is not latching properly and is perhaps taking in too much air.

I hope it gets better - you're doing really well so far!! :cheer:

Emilia xx
Not yet. It started happening a few days ago. After the last visit from the health visitor (which was 1 week ago). I will be going to the drop in clinic next so will try and go tomorrow.
Ella used to do this when she needed a poo, would thrash around then do a massive poop.

Is there anything in particular you think you've eaten/drunk that you think may have caused it?
Hi Nicki

Congratulations on your baby girl

Olivia used to do this, from what we could work out it was because she was getting too much lactose from my formilk which was giving her a sore tummy and wind. I used to give her colicynthis granules (a homeopathic remedy available from Boots, recommended to me by a paediatric nurse at the Queen Mums Hospital in Glasgow). Do you give her a full feed from one boob then alternate to the other?

The nurse showed me an abdonomen massage to also try and help ease Olivia's discomfort, basically you hold their ankles in one hand and push their legs up to their tummy. With your other hand put your palm across the bit below the tummy button and put your thumb on one side of the tummy with your fingers along the other side of the belly then bring your hand together (like if you were doing a hand puppet of a chatterbox!!) Sometimes I would do this massage when Olivia was thrashing about and it seemed to calm her down then she could continue with the feed

Sorry if I've rambled on, hope this has helped!

this used to happen with hassan also when i breastfed him but only after i had eated garlic!!! which i find really weird but that's what i noticed!
spicy foods and things like garlic can affect the taste of breast milk, you are recommended to eat quite plain food arent you???
I spoke to the health visitors at the drop in clinic and they said it was colic and suggested Infacol, which I have been using as we were getting a lot of problems with trapped wind. I am using alternate breasts at each feeding. I will over her the second breast if I feel she has actually taken enough of the one breast but to be honest she rarely does. Though every now and then she will take 2 breasts. She is gaining weight nicely. They weighed her at the drop in clinic and she is upto 9lb 14oz. Last time (1 week, 1 day previously) she weighed 9lb 5oz.
Hi Nicky

Your little one is gaining weight well. Have you noticed any difference in her wind since starting on the infacol?

davina said:
spicy foods and things like garlic can affect the taste of breast milk, you are recommended to eat quite plain food arent you???

My HV at the local BF group told us to avoid onions, garlic and spice etc but I think only a small proportion of babies will be affected by these things - otherwise all the breastfed babies in India, Mexico etc would all have terrible troubles!! There's an Indian lady who goes to our local breastfeeding group who was kind of giggling at the HV when she was saying this!
Lucy said:
Hi Nicki

I used to give her colicynthis granules (a homeopathic remedy available from Boots, recommended to me by a paediatric nurse at the Queen Mums Hospital in Glasgow). Do you give her a full feed from one boob then alternate to the other?

The nurse showed me an abdonomen massage to also try and help ease Olivia's discomfort, basically you hold their ankles in one hand and push their legs up to their tummy. With your other hand put your palm across the bit below the tummy button and put your thumb on one side of the tummy with your fingers along the other side of the belly then bring your hand together (like if you were doing a hand puppet of a chatterbox!!) Sometimes I would do this massage when Olivia was thrashing about and it seemed to calm her down then she could continue with the feed


Im having a similar problem and find the colocynth to be working. He was really crabit today and I lay him on hit pad with nappy off, flexed his legs and there was a pop! this huge poo had popped out, it must have been sore to get out.

I hope you get on a bit better and well done with the bf :D , im envious.
Laura - really glad to read the granules appear to be working, I only used them for about a week then her symptoms stopped.

After this getting worse and worse - especially her in pain after feeds. She ended up yesterday not only getting 1 full feed the rest she stopped well short of norml. Night before last I think I might have got 3hrs sleep as she couldn't settle after feeding due to being in pain. So we went and got some gripe water and used that last night. She settled immediately after the 2 night time feeds - thankfully. I also discovered the night before (just before 6am, after having started her feed at 4:15) that she stopped kicking her legs around when I put her down if I lay her on her side.

hope she settles soon Kiara used to do this loads but eventually settled good luck
Thanks - I have given up with giving her anything now as I have decided they aren't making any difference. One good thing, despite my concerns she has actually gained weight since last week - in fact quite a lot 8oz. So I am less worried now. It is still fustrating that I can't help her but at least she seems to be getting enough food overall.

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