tummy bug?? advice needed


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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think Isla has come down with something, started yesterday when she was doing the most stinking farts ever...then she has had a runny bum which is also really stinking.

shes still waking for her feeds and is feeding well. Shes always been a difficult baby to wind, and tends to fart more than burp. She also poops a lot 6 times a day, the HV didnt seem too concerned about this but it seems a lot to me!

Shes having 2-3oz of milk every 3 hours, which is good for her size...shes only just over 7lbs

apart from that she doesnt seem dehydrated, been keeping an eye on her fontenelle, and is wakeful at her normal times. She is a wee bit grumpier and is taking longer to settle on her own...part of me thinks this is cos shes getting more cuddles?

Am i best just to keep an eye on things or go to the doctors today/tomorrow?

Trying not to be neurotic! knew it would happen the first time she was ill, but its taken soooo long for her to get back to and exceed her birth weight that i dont want her to loose weight again and have another set-back.
I have no idea about thee smelly part of your post but I just wanted to reassure you that unless she's gone from doing one or two poos to doing six then it is completely fine. I have heard rumours of those babies who poo once a day or less but not in this household! Around 8 is about normal for us. Fortunately she tends to do between 2 and 4 in a row so we get her nappy off and let her kick about and clean up the poos as they come! So now we only have around 3 yucky nappies a day.
I would def check her with the docs.

Another thing what I can advise is, that if you are SURE its a tummy bug (not just a change in her pooing habits) is to swap for a while to Soya formula (not if you are breastfeeding). C&G makes one. I think its called Infasoy. Just the lactose in normal formula might be a good sourse of food for any bacteria there is (i dont know if I make sence, but its the same as with adults. If you have a tummy bug - you dont drink milk)

Hope she will get better soon. Daniel had an AWFUL tummy bug when he was 9 months old! Would never want to go through this again :hug:
Maia had an upset tummy once and she had a bit of diarrhoea and smelly poos it passed within 3/4 hours and her poo was back to normal. She has had a couple of green poos as well but again these passed within 3/4 hours each time.

Maybe it will clear up on its own but if not then definitely take a trip to your docs.
its all cleared up now and shes back to her normal not so smelly self :D

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