Ladies I need your help.
Get ready for the essay!!
Currently ttc first baby, ovulation day was predicted to start today going by flo app, I've not been checking or looking for ov before so don't actually know when in my cycle I ovulate.opk started on Wednesday and faint line so negative. Every opk taken since has been negative not even a faint line today. I have been checking cm/cf since end of period and had watery stringy cm on Monday and Tuesday and sharp pain on my left side. I'm guessing I ovulated earlier than predicted. Well going by this I'm about 5dpo.
I've been feeling very tired have bad back ache, I've had dull ache in stomach since Tuesday similar to af. Nausea and the smell of ketchup makes me heave. Dizzy If I stand up to fast and I'm soooo bloated and to top it off I'm also constipated. Cervix is very high and has tilted back. I have no idea whats going on and I don't trust Dr Google to check. My cycle can be anywhere between 25 and 31 days averaging at 28 days, cycle started on the 13th and lasted 4 days..
I'm so confused 😕 surely it's way to early to have any symptoms but there definitely there or do you think my minds playing tricks on me, please help ladies xx