Hi, I am ttc in march, and it will be my third, it took me 7 months to get my daughter, 2 months to get my son, i have noticed that if your to excited and energetic about ttc, then your hormones are flying, and your probably a bit stressed from trying for so long or just not getting pregnant when you want to.
To the girl with the tips, I've hurd of those to, and the one that has worked 2 times for me was for me not to orgasim first (thats also a good tip if trying for a girl). (rear entry for a boy), But any how if your body is hyper then it could distract things from getting where it needs to go.
I was on birth control after my daughter for about 8 months or so, and when i got off i got pregnant in 2 months, now before i had my daughter i was on birth control for 1 1/2 and got pregnant in 7 months about.
Every one is different, give it some time you will get pregnant, but don't let it become a chore, but make it a priority!!..
GOOD LUCK!! Rachel