Trying to decide on names....


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Anyone else finding this a struggle? We are team yellow so trying to narrow it down to 3 boys and 3 girls names.

For a boy i think we have narrowed it down to either Daniel, Ryan or Samuel (Sam). With Joseph as a middle name.

It's the girls names we are struggling with. I quite like Neve, Eva or Sarah.

What you ladies think? Our surname is Carey so obviously Jim and Mariah have been ruled out:lol:
Lovely names all sound lovely when LO is born I think you'll just know. xXx
From your boys names I think Daniel and Samuel are my favs, both sound really good with your middle and surname too.

Have you picked a girls middle name? I think Eva Carey is lovely, sounds like a little film star in the making!

I'm also trying to come up with a shortlist of names so we can pick when the baby is born, starting to think it would be easier if we hadn't stayed team yellow!
That's what i'm thinking aswell kizzy, wish i knew now lol. Still will be a nice surprise i suppose.

I keep changing my mind out of my favourites, it's an absolute nightmare trying to stick to one. Was thinking a while back as claire for my girls middle name but haven't made a final decision on that either. Think in back of my mind i'm still thinking i'm having a boy.
Love Sarah and Daniel....were stuggling too literally got a massive list and cant narrow it down! We did at one point agree on Matilda and Dominic but weve gone off them now so back to the drawing board!! Have a look over in Baby Names theres loads of threads there and lots of ideas too xx
I can only think of a few names that I actually REALLY like, and still manage to put myself off them after a few weeks. I also have it in my head that I am having a girl, so have been getting quite stressed deciding on a girls name and not worrying too much about a boys name, then feeling really guilty incase the baby is a boy!

I really liked Lana Elizabeth, but OH not so keen, so now considering Alana. At the moment my fav boys name is Alasdair William, but this all changes frequently!

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