trying the wrap for the first time


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Right ive bought a wrap and i stupidly thought it was premade didnt relise it was just on elong piece of fabric :doh: :oops:
I wanted to get something that was easy and quick to put on a off my sling kills my shoulder and then carreir has about a thousand buckles straps and velcro bits :roll:

So i paniced and got very annoyed :oops: but ive clamed down and ive searched you tube and found a lady who make it look not to bad ... re=related

Ive just after a frustrating few gose with lots of stamping of feet and screaming got it on (i think)
Colliers alseep when he wakes ill give it a go i hope i manage it :pray: :pray:

wish me luck :D
Were there not instructions with the wrap Sarah? I have a Kari-Me and it has really clear instructions with it.

Its really very easy - looks complicated, but I'd bet within hours you can do lots of different carrys no problem.

Valentine Xxx
Which wrap have you got, hun? As Valentine says, they are not nearly as difficult as they may seem but I know what you mean when you look at the damn thing... :doh:

hmm you should have recieved instructions with it. What make is it. I am imiagining it is a 5m length, if so you can do all types of carries. This is a great page with links to all the different carries clicky It is going to seem overwhelming but at this time I would recommend you stick to the forward cross carry cradle or the forward wrap cross carry as they are the most suitable for Collier's age and the best to start with. Just keep practising,it quickly becomes second nature.
Yes it came with instructions and the instructions are fantastic its one of Lisa&Alex im just to thick to have relised in the picture it looked prefolded :doh: just took me a whil eto get it and calm down enough to give it a chance :oops:

I LOVE IT :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Collier just woke up i put him in it and it wasnt anywhere as bad as i thought took a while to get him online one leg was further down then the other but it didnt take to much to adjust he fell asleep as i walked around and he stayed asleep so i didnt disturb him moving him about
i was worried it was to tight but i think it fine Collier seems to like it

it feels secure and it feels brilliant no pain any where his weight is balanced out wonderfully

took some pictures will post in a mo :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

i was to quick to think it was going to be a pain but its not :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
yay so pleased you like it. You'll soon be wrapping in 30 seconds lol. A good carry will always feel comfortable, baby will feel secure. Just make sure that his knees are higher then his bum so his weight is distributed correctly (much better for his spine and hips) - you'll get this by spreading the material out between his legs.

Can't wait to see pics :)




Is this ok ???he feels comfortable im comfortable, and hes still sleeping im standing typing he loves the wrap :D

AND SO DO I :dance: :dance: :dance:
:cheer: Looks fab, the colour is ace. I have one too and Harrison loves it
gorgeous colour, really vibrant.

Not really in a position to advise as I don't use the sumo hold anymore but if he feels secure and is comfy for you to carry then you have it tied right. Perhaps he could be a bit higher, but you will know for yourself as you would befeeling all his weight if he was too low.
Hope they're is ok! I just ordered one from LottiesBotties in Black! You're all a terrible influence!!!
I have the black one - I can get it on quite quick now (although get funny looks in the car park, people must think I'm into some weird bondage shit :lol: )

I'm no good at getting Green Bean in the facing out hold :S facing me, fine and quickly too, but facing out I never seem to get the fabric spread out enough and he seems to lean forward too much :think:
Still, practice makes perfect :D

Glad you're getting on with it :) :)
monster_munch said:
I have the black one - I can get it on quite quick now (although get funny looks in the car park, people must think I'm into some weird bondage sh*t :lol: )

I'm no good at getting Green Bean in the facing out hold :S facing me, fine and quickly too, but facing out I never seem to get the fabric spread out enough and he seems to lean forward too much :think:
Still, practice makes perfect :D

Glad you're getting on with it :) :)

have you tried a back carry. I imagine Green Bean is getting quite big now and you might find it more comfortable to do back carry - though if you have a stretchy wrap I wouldn't advise a back carry at all due to the fabric. If you do have a stretchy fabric a buddha hold is advised more then the sumo hold - a buddha hold is outfacing but has his legs in so more support is given to the hips and back. If not then a forward facing carry is fine, bring the middle piece of fabric up and you can take their arms out so they can look round and have a nosey, then if they get tired or don't want to look out you can put the wrapo back over their arms so they can snuggle. Much better :) Cally loves having her arms out so she can see things but then it is so easy to cuddle her back up. If this makes no sense I can show pics of what I mean.
the back hold is completly safe to do using a stretch or woven wrap sling, or it wouldnt be in the instruction booklet. obviously the type of material the company uses and its stretch plays a part. but if they have recommended holds in their booklets or on their site then it is safe. ALWAYS HAVE A 2ND ADULT WITH YOU TO PUT YOUR BABY IN A BACK HOLD. and use common sence. you cant go far wrong then. every person has different experiences with slings.. differnt types and different holds suit everyone differently. find what suits you and enjoy xx
the thing with stretch wraps is that after a while they loosen, especially with a wriggly baby - its the nature of the material whereas with a good woven wraps there is no slippage. I would never do a back carry with a stretchy wrap for that reason.
I love the back carry, I have a really good woven sling and it feels so secure:D just takes a whileto get confidence up
zebrastripes said:
I love the back carry, I have a really good woven sling and it feels so secure:D just takes a whileto get confidence up

haha the first time I had to get OH to help me, the second time I managed it by myself but was on the sofa just in case. I see more experienced mums just toss baby over theoir shoulder and think "I want to be like that". It is a great carry though once you have it right though Cally seems to have a fondness for pulling my hair :twisted:
beanie said:
zebrastripes said:
I love the back carry, I have a really good woven sling and it feels so secure:D just takes a whileto get confidence up

haha the first time I had to get OH to help me, the second time I managed it by myself but was on the sofa just in case. I see more experienced mums just toss baby over theoir shoulder and think "I want to be like that". It is a great carry though once you have it right though Cally seems to have a fondness for pulling my hair :twisted:

Psssf you don't have a reflux baby... If I went about throwing my baby up on my back I'd get pookie all over my hair...mind I suppose its just as bad having it pool in your bra or land on your feet.. or worse a strangers feet.. :think:
Squiglet said:
beanie said:
zebrastripes said:
I love the back carry, I have a really good woven sling and it feels so secure:D just takes a whileto get confidence up

haha the first time I had to get OH to help me, the second time I managed it by myself but was on the sofa just in case. I see more experienced mums just toss baby over theoir shoulder and think "I want to be like that". It is a great carry though once you have it right though Cally seems to have a fondness for pulling my hair :twisted:

Psssf you don't have a reflux baby... If I went about throwing my baby up on my back I'd get pookie all over my hair...mind I suppose its just as bad having it pool in your bra or land on your feet.. or worse a strangers feet.. :think:

have just the thing for you - it might catch on in spain


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