Triple test results... :¬(

I'll have everything crossed for you. :hug:

I didn't want to have this test (it wouldn't have changed my feelings on continuing the pregnancy either way and getting blood from me is a very traumatic experience!) but Neil really wanted to know so if there were any problems he could prepare himself. I had to respect his feelings so had the triple test done. I dragged Neil along so he could see just how traumatic getting blood from me is though!! :twisted:

I'm not convinced in the benefit of these tests. They do cause an awful lot of worry for some and also give a false sense of security to others. :?
Hi Everyone!!

My GF has just called me to let me know the Midwife has just called, and the Amnio results has come back and everything is fine with the baby!! YYYIIIPPPPPPPPEEEEE!! :dance:

Finally after 20 weeks, we can start enjoying the pregnancy!!

BIG thank you for all the kind words, crossed fingers and support from you all. Thank you GOD too. I'm not a religious guy, but have said thanks to him!

Might buy a Lottery Ticket later too... lol

Dom n Zoe

Oh thats FANTASTIC news............

Enjoy the next few months, as the time seems to go so quickly!!

Big :hug: to you both!!!
Glad it's all come back with a postive result for you both. I can imagine how worried you both were. Now enjoy the next 20 weeks. :D
Awww thats absolutely brilliant news. :cheer:

Thanks for letting us know, now you can relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. :D
Yay, that's fantastic news Dom! Give Zoe a big hug tonight from all of us!

Valentine Xxx

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