Triple test results... :¬(


May 14, 2008
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Hi everyone,

Well after weeks of reading bits a bobs on here, I am need of some advice/support from you...

My gf is 17 weeks pregnant and we've had the triple test results back and they are in the high risk catergory. (less than 1:250). We are absolutely gutted, I was confronted with a crying gf on the phone as I came out of the gym tonight. I rushed home to read the letter myself...

We have an appointment with the Senior Midwife on Friday at 11:15am, but are unsure of what this is for. I believe the next tests are amniocentisis(correct me if i'm wrong), but I take it this appointment will be just to discuss things or will they actually carry out the procedure?

We have always said that we would have the tests and accept the risks of miscarriage, as we would want to know. My gf is 25, i'm 29 and we are both fit and healthy and have no history of any downs in the family...

Your thoughts, advice or comments are welcome and would be much appreciated...

Testing times...


I would imagine your midwife appointment would be to discuss the options available.

The amniocentesis is a diagnosis test for down's so if you chose to go that route then you would know one way or another, however amniocentesis has some risks itself so I'm sure the midwife will want to discuss this all with you.

good luck for the meeting on Friday
Hi, just wanted to give you some hugs first. :hug:

When I went for my test my midwife stressed that it was an indicator and the blood test was not a guaranteed result.

In my booklet it says '1 in 20 will have this result which does not mean there is a problem. Most women will go on to have healthy babies'.

A follow up test (amniocentesis), if you want it, is the test which will give you the definate result. I believe they will discuss the result and give you options first before they would give you the amniocentesis.
My midwife told me that 1 in 20 tests come back as high risk, but only one in 20 of those actually end up with a problem
Try not to worry too much yet (I know it's easier said than done) I'm sure your midwife will just go through everything with you on Friday.
Let us know how you get on.
:hug: :hug:
As the others have said, try not too worry too much!
As the result said, you have a 1 in 250 chance! I still consider that a small chance! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone, your supportive words are helping no end...

At least we know what to expect on friday, my gf hates needles, but we will probably go ahead with the tests, to be safe... totally aware of the risks.

:pray: for friday...

Dom n Zoe
Fingerscrossed everything is just fine for you!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Good luck I hope you get a better result. :pray:

I didn't have the triple test for eactly these reasons. All they give you is a risk 'factor'. Yes, they class anything under 1 in 250 as high risk, but think about it this way, even 1 in 5 means you have an 80% chance of having a healthy baby. They would class this as extremely high risk, but I would rather take my 80% chance that my baby will be fine.

An amniocentesis carries approximately a 1% chance of miscarriage (or 1 in 100). If you had a 1 in 100 risk of downs this would be classed as high. So basically if your triple test came back 1 in 200 (classed as high risk) and you go on to have an amnio, you're actually more likely to miscarry due to the amnio than you ever were to have a downs baby in the first place! Crazy!

Having said all this it is personal choice in these matters. And if you want to go ahead with the amnio then that's absolutely up to you and your girlfriend. I can't guarantee that there isn't anything wrong with the baby, I'm just explaining the odds.

I hope everything works out for you, keep us updated. I know these things can be terrible worrying and that's why I decided not to put myself through the triple test to start with.

hope all goes well for you hun im sorry your going through this worrying time :hug: xxxxxxx

I wrote a post like this about 8 weeks ago as i was in exactly the same position as you are now.

I came home to a letter telling me i was high risk (1/221) and that i needed to be referred to a consultant in 4 days time.
I was totally hysterical, crying and shaking and rang my OH who left work immediatley to come calm me down.

We went to see our consultant and they talked us through what the results meant and what decisions were to be made. She discussed amnio but also said they would do a very detailed scan on baby to look for what they call soft markers. These detect possible problems that baby could have etc. We were told though that only an amnio would give 100% confirmation of whether there is a problem.

We asked if we could have the scan as i was so scared of the amnio. She kept saying the risk of miscarriage through amnio is very low but in my head it was i risk i just couldn't take after losing a baby in December.

The scan they done was fantastic, she was on for ages and really examined and measured every single part of baby. Afterwards she said i see no complications with your baby and i cant tell you the relief i felt after 4 days of none stop crying and thinking something was wrong with my baby.

I have since had another scan and they done the same checks all over again with excellent results.

I know that in the future if we were to have another baby then i would never have this blood test done again as the stress and upset it caused was horrendous.

Also, my sister in law knows 6 girls who had this test done and ALL came back with high results and all of them have perfect little babies now. My sisters friend who was only 20 her results came back 1/60 and her baby is fine.

Please tell your OH (and yourself) to try not to worry (I know its easier said than done) and go see what your consultant says on Friday who i'm sure will put your mind at ease.

Let us know how you get on.

Take care :hug:
Thanks again for the kind words, it's soo hard not to worry. Even though i'm trying to keep positive it's hard not to think what if... all my friends have had healthy lovely babies, and all the stories I hear are all positive... will our be the one...

It is a stupid test, and yet another thing to make you worry, the days of enjoying pregnancy have gone! We have decided to go ahead with the amnio, which they say can be done friday, followed by 8-10days sweating...

We just want to be sure, so hopefully we can start to enjoy being pregnant...
I know how your feeling, its a hard time at the min. Hopefully you can start enjoying the pregnancy really soon.

Good luck for Friday :hug:
HI Zoe n Dom :hug:

I am so sorry to hear about all this worry and stress you are under at the minute :hug:

My next door neighbour had all the tests done with her first child and she was told it was highly likely the little one had spina bifida... needless to say the little one was born absolutely 100% healthy. My neighbour is almost at full term again with her second and hasn't had any of the tests this time round.

Just lots of love really and hope it all goes ok for the amnio xxxx
Sorry to hear your test has come back high risk but as the others have said the odds are still in your favour. I didnt have the test as for me it wouldnt have changed anything and i wouldnt have had the amnio but its such a personal choice.

Good luck for Friday and let us know how you get on.

Claire x
i wasnt able to have this test so i cant offer any advice.
But i will say that take out the "high risk" and look at the figures. 1 in 250!! the chances are so slim of there being a problem. i dont agree that that can be classed as high risk thats a very low percentage.

Still i can understand the worry, my thoughts are with you both. Good luck :hug:
Hi guys,

Well it all went ok today. GF is in some discomfort but is doing ok, I've had her laid up i bed all afternoon. She hates needles and said it was a bit painful, but felt odd... So they've got what they need, so 8-10days we'll know for sure. So if everyone can keep their fingers crossed for us...


I will def be thinking of you all.

Make sure GF gets lots of bed rest and only moves to go to toilet (sorry i know you've prob already been told this :oops: )

Good luck for the results next week.

Take care
good luck, i will keep my fingers crossed for you and your gf.

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