travel system question


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Really want to be a baby wearer when baby born so was wondering if point in buying travel system?.. was looking at jane slalom pro and matrix cup. Have to buy carseat to go in car but think would be alot easier just to pop baby in sling when out of car and off we go :) plus will be having in may so hopefully nice and warm. don't want to waste my money. any advice would be gratefully received thanks xx
Well, I def found my travel system very handy! Daniel slept in his carrycot for the first month (we didnt need to buy moses basket) and when you are going for a longer walks, or even to the shops you have to take in mind, that changing bag wears a tonn and you really need it, cos you never know when your lo decides to poo, or will want his feed! And it is so much easier to pop it on a buggy. And sometimes, you might want to have some space for yourself. What i do, i keep my sling in a buggy. When i feel like it am wearing Dan, when im too tired-i put him in a buggy and he sits happily there. :hug: Oh, and those car seats which you can pop on the buggy base are just great! You cant use them for a long times, but when you need to to pop out to do some shopping, you can get your lo in and out from the car undisturbed. And, belive me, when he was screaming all day and finally fell asleep its a right bonus :D

You can try with a sling and see how you go. Still will be plenty of time to get a travel system.
iv found travel system very useful too. iv got a "pouch" (as i like 2 call it- baby-wearing thing lol) which i like but she is quite heavy to carry round for ages also i worry i might trip and smash her face when i fall so :( so dont use it that much!
The matrix isn't the safest of car seats according to some reviews so if you are only getting a car seat for the car I wouldn't go with it.

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