Tracking temp


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2011
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when taking tempreture do you do it at a set time?
what is looked for when you have a chart?

i have never tracked my temp before so am going to start when af arives. my temp today was 36.36 (was just having a little play when i got home with a themometer) but ofcourse i dont know what is normal for me yet.

Any tips would be awesome :)
Its best to take your temp when you wake up before you do anything hunny. If you sign up with fertility friend they will analyse your graph and give you tips on how to read it. Goodluck hunny x x

Yep take it first thing in the morning before u do anything else
My thermometer says (like M2A says) to take your reading first thing in the morning before you even get up. This will give you your lowest reading before exercise etc pushes up your temp.

Am just wondering what people's average temperatures seem to be? Has anyone's thermometer beeped at them before to tell them they are too cold? I haven't used one of these since I was at primary school!
Keep it beside ur bed within arms reach and take ur temp as soon as u wake up. U need to try and take it at the same time each day. Keep a note if u had restless nite sleep, were ill, had alot of alcohol etc as these can all affect it. Im attempting it this month... so far mine have been 36.40, 36.52, 36.28, 36.45, 36.19, 36.19, 36.19, 36.28,

My cycles have been so long tho that I dont expect to see any consistent high readings for a while tho
I agree about fertility friend, I find it a really useful site. I've been tracking temp since came off the pill last August, just to get to know cycle at first, then we started TTC in January, but I've only recently found the fertility friend site and think it's great. I also use an app on my smart phone called Honey Days. It's quite simple recording and charting temperature, where as FF lets you track and record so much more. I use the app on the phone to acutally record the temperature first thing in the morning so i don't even need to turn on a light to write something down, then log onto FF later in the day and record anything else like OPK test results or CM etc. Once you get the hang of it, it's quite straightforward, but like we say FF has loads of tutorials and adivce to help you with the process. Good luck with it.
Keep a note if u had restless nite sleep, were ill, had alot of alcohol etc as these can all affect it.

Hmm interesting, the night I had disturbed sleep (awake from 3am-5am) it was almost 1 degrees Farenheit higher - could that be why?

Interesting! My temperature is ca 36,5 so far this cycle.
I've been charting for over 2 1/2 years (I used to use it for natural family planning when I had to come off the pill due to medical issues) and every month that passes I know my cycle more.

I have a boots thermometer and when you switch it on it shows the last recorded temperature. I take my temperature in the dark when I wake up. When it beeps to say it's got the temperature recorded, I turn it off (eyes still closed) and put it aside. When I get up, I turn it back on to check the temperature.

I've even taken it before in my sleep, I'm sure I have. I've woken up with it next to my pillow when I've gone to sleep with it on my bed side cabinet!!!

With temperatures, you get rogue temps for all sorts of reasons - if you're a bit poorly, if you had a drink, if you slept bad or even if you slept with your mouth open. I never believe a temperature unless I've seen it consistently for three days. Following a temperature change here or there is the route to madness (I know, I've been there)

It takes time, but it's the single most accurate thing I've done so far to track my cycles (I will move onto OPKs as well next month). Give it a try, but also give it time - it took me 3 months before I understood my trends and 6 months before I could track it properly. Hopefully you won't need that long, but it's worth it if you're still here at that point.
Oh that's interesting Scotchegg........I've been doing my temp for 5 weeks and it's really inconsistant!!!

Perhaps next cycle it might calm down!!

I think I'll also styart to keep the other info you suggest too - as I have Lupus my body is always in a mess so there may be other factors coming into play too.
I have a boots thermometer and when you switch it on it shows the last recorded temperature. I take my temperature in the dark when I wake up. When it beeps to say it's got the temperature recorded, I turn it off (eyes still closed) and put it aside. When I get up, I turn it back on to check the temperature.

snap! I do exactly the same thing!
I have been inspired by scotch egg, I'm going to get a thermometer now! x
I was wondering girls where do you take temp?, I have been taking temp by placing the probe in my armpit, but have just read somewhere I'm meant to be using it vaginally! didnt feel comfy doing this, but no wonder my temps have been below 36 all week, lowest temp was 35.15 am I still doing it right? so confused!
I've got the Boots basal body thermometer and the booklet that comes with it says you can do it orally. I know what you mean about taking vaginally, I really didn't feel comfortable doing this, also thought it would disturb OH while he's trying to sleep. Doing it orally works fine for me and I can do it nice and discretely without really having to move too much, which is one of the main things they recommend.
I feel so silly, I have been doing the ovulation sticks though so hopefully Ill be doing it at the right time lol! for the last 3 days there has been a faint line on them but todays line was almost as dark as test line, so presume Ov is not far away
I do mine orally too - they say vaginal is more accurate, but I do fine orally...
just spoke to OH and told him id been checking temp wrong he literally laughed out loud when i told him where the temp probe was meant to be going!

if i change the way i do it now my chart will be all to pot never mind x

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