Toy Recommendations


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Now Maia has started taking more interest in things I was thinking about buying her a few toys. She has a play gym and a mobile that she loves but I want to get a few others.

Can you recommend anything?

Is there a particular toy you are very impressed with?

Maybe your LO has a favourite toy that always gets their attention?

Muchas gracias :)
at that age i think millies favourite was "kelvin the activity crab" from babies'r'us. its like a soft toy with a mirror on its tummy and its legs and pincers are soft too and different colours and textures and attatched are squeaky fishes, crinkley fishes, a teether and a rattle. 'twas only about a fiver or a tenner! also she liked a musical book- only 3 pages to it made out of hard plastic, when u turn a "page" it plays a different song.

one timeless favourite which she liked from very very young and still likes now- blimmin' PAPER! lol usually my expensive magazines before i get to read them :doh: they get ripped up, scrunched up and eaten or sucked to a soggy mess! :lol:
Its a really basic thing but I got Eva a set of linking rings from ELC as soon as she started trying to grab things and she loves them, they are nice bright colours and easy to get in her mouth, and quite handy for attaching other toys to her car seat, pram etc
luke loves the leapfrog counting pal he has had so much use out of it and still loves it now, dancing to the classical music!!
any of the garden friends range from toysrus , especially issac the newt and franklin the frog .

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