Tots Bots Bamboozles nappies plus wraps & nippa! SOLD

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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pic 023.jpg

pic 024.jpg

4 x Tots Bots Bamboozles size 1 plus 3 Bambino Mio newborn wraps and 1 x Cotton Bottoms newborn wrap plus a Nappy Nipa to fasten them.

Excellent condition - not a stain or mark. These have been and still are brilliant nappies 2 are on the line in the sun so but all in the same excellent condition.

Fantastic first cloth for a newborn bum right up till about 20lbs.

£25 the lot all in. :)
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What a place to start my collection.... only problem is is that I have no cash til pay day next Friday.... would that be a problem? (unless my HIP comes through before then...)
Am slightly confused though, which nappies are in the pics as they all look like the mios to me?
say no if it is, I really won't be (too) upset ;)
Oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on Lisa :rofl:
I'm in no rush to part with them so I can wait. :)

These are the perfect starters and actually I thought I'd like them least but they are brilliant. They fit tiny new bums well because you use the nipper to hold them in place and I've never had a leak.

The top pic is of 2 of the nappies and the bottom one is of the wraps. The nappy is the shaped/fitted absorbent part and the flap you can see on it opened up is the booster part. You fold that suitable for where your LO pees most - so I sort of double it at the front as that's where boys pee :)

Once you have it in place with the nippa ( which is essentially the safety pin ) you put a wrap around it. The wrap is like the plastic pants your mum put over your terry nappy but they are breathable and have a soft cotton outer. These ones were brilliant for when he was first born - a lovely snug fit and they have a double 'frill' thingy (not sure of the technical name :blush: ) like you get on a disposable nappy to get a great non leaky fit. My bigger wraps dont all have it and I definitely reach for the ones that do when they're clean.

When you change them you can re use the wrap of its not got poo on it - I just rang a baby wipe over it and left it to dry (very quick).

If you want them I'll send you a few fleece liners too. They save the cloth from staining and keep their bum dryer :)
They sound ideal MM, but only if you are sure you can wait, and with the fleece liners I will give you a bit more.

Also don't worry about posting them, I am sure we could arrange another meet ;) or I could meet you when you are next at white rose/ikea, or when I am your way at a friends, it is not as though I need them now :lol: (although I am sure I would spend a lot of time admiring them...)
yep I'll hang on to them and we can go for a coffee. Don't worry about the fleece liners. You can have them and see if you like them. :)

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