So I've been cervix and cm checking for the last 3 weeks, not charting my temps yet as I need to get a thermometer today. I've been inputting data into the Ovia app which is showing that I've had a 3 week fertile window based on my cm and cervix (I know cervix isn't the best was to chart due to it often being high/slightly open after having children previously, plus it's my first month on the app.)
I think I might like to start using OPKs as well, to try and cover all bases, but I literally have no clue what they do or how to use them.
I know I need to wee on the sticks each day, in the afternoon if possible, for a few days before, and during, when I think I might ovulate. But what do the sticks actually show? What makes them change colour? Is it that you're going to ovulate that day if you get a dark line, or have you already ovulated?
And I just need really cheap ones as hubby thinks he has super sperm and so it will just happen with us without any planning (because his daughter was conceived when her mother was supposedly on the pill, even though she'd been sick - he doesn't want to think that at my age I might struggle, plus it took me 5 months to conceive my youngest child) so I'm not involving him in the whole charting thing.
Sorry for the long post, I never do things by halves lol.
Thank you if anyone can help! Xx
So I've been cervix and cm checking for the last 3 weeks, not charting my temps yet as I need to get a thermometer today. I've been inputting data into the Ovia app which is showing that I've had a 3 week fertile window based on my cm and cervix (I know cervix isn't the best was to chart due to it often being high/slightly open after having children previously, plus it's my first month on the app.)
I think I might like to start using OPKs as well, to try and cover all bases, but I literally have no clue what they do or how to use them.
I know I need to wee on the sticks each day, in the afternoon if possible, for a few days before, and during, when I think I might ovulate. But what do the sticks actually show? What makes them change colour? Is it that you're going to ovulate that day if you get a dark line, or have you already ovulated?
And I just need really cheap ones as hubby thinks he has super sperm and so it will just happen with us without any planning (because his daughter was conceived when her mother was supposedly on the pill, even though she'd been sick - he doesn't want to think that at my age I might struggle, plus it took me 5 months to conceive my youngest child) so I'm not involving him in the whole charting thing.
Sorry for the long post, I never do things by halves lol.
Thank you if anyone can help! Xx