

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Took Ella to see a paediatrician today about her neck/flat head and she does have torticollis.

This basically means one of her neck muscles is tighter than the other which makes her hold her head at a slight angle. She can't move her head fully to the left, so always sleeps on the right which has caused plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome).

She has to see a physio so we can start stretching exercises (which are going to be horrific as she cries as soon as you touch that side of her neck) and hopefully that will solve the problem. If not then she might have to have a small op to release the muscle when she's older (over 1 I believe).

It was caused by the way she was lying in the womb, when she came out her ear on the right was all crinkled in. We noticed by the time she was 5-6 weeks old that her head was flatter that side and she always slept on it, but I was reassured by my HV and the GP at her 6 week check that it was normal :evil:

It was horrible today as she had to have 2 x-rays to check her bone structure in her spine and I couldn't hold her as we're TTC so there is a tiny tiny chance that I could be pg, therefore DH had to hold her down.

I'm crapping myself about the physio as it's so awful seeing her in pain. Makes me well up just thinking about it :(
ahh poor little babe, at least you now know what it is and can start treatment, although it doesnt sound nice hopefully it will all work out and she'll be better soon big hug to ella :D
It's good you know what it is, now!

I know physio would be on NHS, so free, but as you say, it might be painful, so maybe you could consider taking her to cranial theraphy, because that's exactly what they can do without giving pain to babies! releasing tension in nerves and muscles.
I know it's a bit expensive, but might be worth a try?

I am telling you this, because Maheen also had tight muscles in her neck, due to her position in the womb as well, and the osteopath has worked on it, and it has worked wonders! Maheen used to only sleep swaddled, because she needed to feel as tight as in the womb, because of her tensions, now, it's sorted and she sleeps in a sleeping bag, she used to have quite a flat back of the head, it's already started to round up, and finally, maheen is much more happy and sleeps better!

Obviously, it's your decision, I am just sharing a good experience, I don't regret a second the money I have spent on these sessions! But I am aware it can be a lot!

take care,
Mel xx
Am glad you got your answers hun, it'll be tough for you to see but it will be so worth it in the end. You are a great mummy who is very strong and Ella will quickly forget the pain. Big hugs to you both xxxx
Hiya Kina, you must feel so crap at this moment in time but at least you are doing the right thing for your little girl and it will all end up ok for her. ((((((hugs)))))) to you babe cos it must be hard for you too but you've been strong enough to get help for Ella's condition and you will carry on being so. Good luck hun and let me know how you get on. Love flying out to you all x x x x x x x :)
It's so hard seeing our little ones in distress! Hugs for you 3! Glad you found out for sure what it is - now you can move towards a solution.

Keep us posted.
Emilia xx
Thanks girlies :) I've been feeling a bit hormonal (I guess!) and got upset yesterday because Ella was so unhappy and in pain. Not nice :( :( :(

I wish that it had been spotted earlier because if it had then it would have been easier to sort. It was only because we took her to a chiro off of our own backs (cost £20 a session for 15 mins :shock: ) that we found out that she had a problem. GP and HV weren't much use :( I was made to feel it was me that had the problem, not Ella, when I used to bring it up.

Ah well, will just have to be strong for her and give her lots of cuddles :D

Mel - we had to pay for the chiro so if the cranio would be better than physio then we'll just have to whack it on our credit card!!
Hi Kina

I'm not surprised you feel upset. It's traumatic when something's wrong with your baby.

The blimmin doctor and hv told me that Zara's strange noises and choking were normal and later I found out she'd been suffering with reflux. Not as bad as what you've been going through but still irritating and upsetting.

Anyway, at least now you know what's wrong you can sort it out.

Take care
Louise x

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