Took my 3 yr old to the dentist...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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This is actually the second time she's been. We switched dentists a couple months ago, and got her registered with our new one. I left there feeling so disappointed, as this second dentist makes two who have told me I'm basically not cleaning my daughter's teeth properly. Believe me, they look completely normal to me! I'm around other children all the time, and I honestly can't see any difference. I let my DD brush them herself, then I go over them all myself, floss once a day...what am I doing wrong?? I suffered from awful teeth problems as a youngster and an adult (mainly fluorosis---nasty discouloration through no fault of my own), and I'm determined that my DD will not have to go through it herself. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's been told their kid's teeth aren't up to par! :roll:
If you dont mind me asking...... does she have many sweets or fizzy drinks at all.??
its just that my partnere has always had really weak teeth and he has had many problems with his teeth, so while our daughter is young we dont let her have any fizzy drinks or pure sugared sweets so her teeth dont take a battering so early.
Perhaps your daughter just has weak teeth too, if your doing everything you can then you should have nothing to worry about, tell your dentist where to go :lol: :lol:
You are not alone, my eldest girl has what i consider to be weaker teeth, not sure if this is possible but she has had to have 3 fillings, she is 8, my middle daughter is 6 and she hasnt had to have one and has good teeth. I ensure they brush their teeth twice a day and use mouth wash, they dont have fizzy drinks unless there is a party, we stopped giving black current because we were told that was the worst type of squash. Not saying we are perfect when it comes to their diet etc but we try. Just keep going to the dentist regularly, thats all you can do :hug:
Last time I had Josh at the dentist was a few months ago and they were really impressed with his teeth - I told them that I brush them for him rather than letting him do it (although I do let him go over once afterwards to help him practice). They said it's best for me to keep doing them til he's around 7/8 to make sure they're being done properly.

I won't let Josh eat too many sweets and I stopped him having fizzy drinks. His teeth are one of the things I worry about most cos I see so many young kids with rotten teeth and it's awful.

If you think it's something that's out of your control though just tell your dentist. If you're doing all you can then they can't blame you :hug:
my Oh has very weak teeth and i have strong teeth, ive never had fillings etc and my daughters teeth r the same and my dentist told us that she must have my teeth because weak teeth can be hereditary and some people suffer with them no matter what they do. i would just keep doing what your doing hun, also now they recommend kids have a high flouride toothpaste not the milk teeth they used to recommend so maybe switch toothpastes. my eldest has all ways used same toothpaste as us and her teeth r ok. my hv gave me the red colgate toothpaste and said thats the best for children as flouride levels are high enough in them.

Thanks for your replies! You know, that's something I never thought about--weak teeth. Both her father and I do suffer from that. You can actually see through my two front teeth, it's strange. She hardly ever has sweets, never had fizzy drinks, and when she has juice I always make sure to put half water in it. Something to think about I guess. I'll make sure I mention it to the dentist next time.

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