Took another hpt


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I took another this morning and it looks darker than yesterday :dance:

Camera was messing so might not be agood pic

I am well chuffed!

My cm stinks of Vinegar though which I find so weird!!
Tasha! woohoo! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I didn't see your post yesterday but that's so exciting - I'm so pleased for you! (and pleased for me - now I have a pg buddy! :lol: ) That's a pretty obvious line, dodgy camera or not!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :clap: :dance: (can you tell I'm excited?!)
ohh how cool it's alot darker lol, i'd get straight to the docs if i was you to get checked for a water infection, i had one and aparently pregnant woman are more likely to get them, so go get it checked out asap, i think it's better to be safe than sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: so nice to see a strong line lol mine started realy faint lol
:cheer: :cheer: Woop Kitty I only just realised your pg!!! Thats brilliant!! :cheer: :cheer:

Yey a buddy :hug:


Anna I went docs today (for Oli) and mentioned it and she said its nothing to do with wee, the cervical mucus is smelling that way because of pregnancy.

I have spoke to some other women and they had it too, but the only ones who have had vinegar fanny :rotfl: are having or had boys!!


So it will be interesting to see if thats the case with me too!!

I am so chuffed!! I am going to take clear blue tomorrow ill be 11 dpo, +/- one not digi (didnt have any at shop :( )

Yey!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay! Congratulations ex-stalker ladies! :dance: I think almost all of us are pregnant or have babies now!

Excellent news Tasha, so happy for you! :cheer:
Hey vinegar lady, I'm a bleach lady :rotfl:

I think it's our noses personaly! When i pee i stink the room out of bleach, but funnilly enough only i smell it, spooky! but i think our cm does change, I recognised the change in smell before my bfp as it was similar to last time.
Congratulations :cheer: Lovely to see a chartstalker with a BFP :cheer:

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