Tasha! woohoo! I didn't see your post yesterday but that's so exciting - I'm so pleased for you! (and pleased for me - now I have a pg buddy! ) That's a pretty obvious line, dodgy camera or not!
ohh how cool it's alot darker lol, i'd get straight to the docs if i was you to get checked for a water infection, i had one and aparently pregnant woman are more likely to get them, so go get it checked out asap, i think it's better to be safe than sorry so nice to see a strong line lol mine started realy faint lol
Woop Kitty I only just realised your pg!!! Thats brilliant!!
Yey a buddy
Anna I went docs today (for Oli) and mentioned it and she said its nothing to do with wee, the cervical mucus is smelling that way because of pregnancy.
I have spoke to some other women and they had it too, but the only ones who have had vinegar fanny are having or had boys!!
So it will be interesting to see if thats the case with me too!!
I am so chuffed!! I am going to take clear blue tomorrow ill be 11 dpo, +/- one not digi (didnt have any at shop )
I think it's our noses personaly! When i pee i stink the room out of bleach, but funnilly enough only i smell it, spooky! but i think our cm does change, I recognised the change in smell before my bfp as it was similar to last time.
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