Too much milk?????


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Read a post on here last wk on how many bottles your little ones are having now there weaning and I was shocked and have started thinking maybe Herbie is having too much?
He is still having 6 bottles a day all 7oz
He eats 3 meals a day plus snacks but food just doesn't seem to fill him, he is on a mix of BLW and tw but he just loves his milk.
This is today:
Bottle 7oz 6:30am
Breakfast: weatabix made with 3oz milk
Bottle 7oz 10am
Dinner scrambled egg and toast and a yogurt 12pm
1pm bottle 7oz
4pm bottle 7oz
Tea : noodles veg and jar of baby desert
7pm 7oz bottle
Then dream feed 10pm what I've tried stopping but then he wakes in the night.
He also has baby biscuits, fruit and the odd bit of chocolate in the day too.

He's nearly 8 months and 21lb and 73 inches long so tall for his age
My hv said it's fine his milk is still the most important but why I ask if uses think he had too much is because he had his 6-9 month check last wk and a lady who had never seen him before said '' your going to have to be careful or I think is is going to balloon''
I just felt like that was her way of saying he's getting fat.
Any ideas? Thanks xxx
Maybe try swapping a bottle for a snack and increasing his portion sizes?

My HV told me to offer zac milk in a cup instead of a bottle, to make sure he actually wanted the milk and it wasn't just a comfort thing, he wasn't that fussed and has dropped a bottle now.

Maybe try hungry baby milk?

If it was me and he still wanted the milk I would give it to him.

Sorry bit of a mishmash of suggestions! xxx
It's so hard to know what's best! I bf so can't tell you how much ella takes but I know if I offer her my boob she will always take it but if I don't she's not too fussed so now she's on 3 meals a day she gets 3 bfs a day which the hv said was right. You could try cutting out the lunch time bottle and seeing what happens? Ella has water to drink at meantime so maybe introduce that if you haven't already? You know your baby though hun so do what you think he needs.
I would just carry on what you're doing!

The milk is his main source of nutrition and he obviously wants/needs it or he wouldn't take it.

Don't listen to that flippant comment from the HV. She's just a miserable cow lol.
Well today I missed out the dinner time bottle and just kept giving him bits of fruit then he had a nap and when he woke it was nearly time for his next feed anyway. I'm just going to leave him as he is for now i think and then look again when he is coming up to 1 as I think he's still a baby and still needs milk thanks girls for craming me down lol
I would just carry on what you're doing!

The milk is his main source of nutrition and he obviously wants/needs it or he wouldn't take it.

Don't listen to that flippant comment from the HV. She's just a miserable cow lol.

i would do this too!! i was worried my lo wasnt getting enough milk, but the last two days he has been waking twice in the night for 7oz bottles... if he is hungry im going to feed him! i keep getting comments that he is enormous for his age but considering how tiny he was when he is born im just happy he is growing and gaining weight so well! im sure he will drop his feeds when he is ready!!
I wouldn't worry to much hun, at least he's getting plenty of milk which is important ATM.
Amy, how much does Marley weigh now? Charley's 19lb! He's such a chunk!! x x
I wouldn't worry to much hun, at least he's getting plenty of milk which is important ATM.
Amy, how much does Marley weigh now? Charley's 19lb! He's such a chunk!! x x

i had him weighed in italy last week & he is 20lbs 10oz!!!!!! my arm is aching so much today from queing in passport control holding him for 15mins LOL.

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