Too many feeds and teats! Help?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Eek Im really confused! Im bottle feeding Hay somedays every 4 hours others (becoming more rare now) every 3 hours...

Im feeding Aptamil 1st 4oz, on the box it says feed 5 feeds every 24 hours, I worked out yesterdays feeds and his work out alot more, closer to 6-8 feeds!!

Should i just do every 4 hours as I have been normally...

The other thing I realised last night is the reason he sometimes doesnt finish his bottle is the teat is flowing REALLY slowly (im using TT ctn and avent bottles) Now he has only been using the 1 teats which ones flow a bit faster, I even think one night he didn't get anything and i just assumed he wasn't hungry... :oops:

Any help most appreciated!!!

You could try gettin size 2 teats!? Does Hay get bored when feeding?! Thats a classic sign that its not fast enough.

I would feed him when hes hungy hun!! Dont worry about the pack, thats rubbish. Every baby is different!!
:wave: Hey hun

He'll only eat when he needs to- sometimes Evie would go 5 hours between feeds and sometimes only 2! He's still so tiny I wouldn't expect a routine just yet. Every baby is different- E never followed the tin guidelines- she's learning to rebel already :lol:

I'd try size 2 teats but make sure he doesn't get wind because he'll drink much quicker. :)

Faith's been on TT size 2 teats for ages now so maybe try them? I'm guessing Hayden is a snacker like Fi was! Small feels little and often! Sometimes it'd seem like Fi was always having a bottle! It's better now.

Maybe make up smaller bottles and just expect to use more or them?

And don't worry about the amounts on the formula tubs, they are guidelines, every bubs is different xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
The size 1 teat is REALLY slow. You might find that if you change the teat he will finish the feeds in one go and then he will show you when he is ready for the next and you can take the timing 3-4 hours from that. It might take him a feed or two to get used to a faster flow. If he has to work too hard to get milk he may give up, get bored, play around or just start snacking more and more often. My LO also fed more than the pack said. She was on 5-6 rather than the standard 4. I guess it is just a guideline 'incase'.

I really like the pic in your sig with his name. So so cute.
Thanks ladies!!!

Yeah he normally feeds every 4 hours on his own which is quite good sometimes 3 but I just go with when he's ready, I have one 2 teat so going to try that now and see how he gets on...

Fingers crossed.

Oh and yeah he ends up falling back asleep if the teat is too slow...

Szie 2 teats sounds like the answer ;)
Also is he completely finishing the bottle? If so maybe make up 5oz and see how he goes with that. It may be that he needa a bit more to make him go 4 hours ;)
In respect of the bottles/teats Sharne, we started with Avent but then found TT CTN ones much more satisfactory with Isaac so maybe see if he does prefer one teat over the other? But definitely try the number 2 teats yes :) As for how many feeds a day, all babies are different and as long as you think he's happy and active enough then he'll be getting what he needs, but obviously ask your HV if you're worried, if he seems fine to you he most probably is regardless of how many feeds :hug:
Ignore what it says on the tin and go with what you know. Amber has 5 ounces every 3 hours and sometimes needs a top up of an extra ounce. I was worried and thought I was giving her too much so spoke to my HV who said what I was doing is right and to ignore the tin!
Go with what Hayden wants, he's obviously a hungry baby like Amber so I'd say just carry on as you are. As for the teats I think its just trial and error as to what he will settle with so try no2 teats and see how he goes :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lewis used to feed every 3 hours too.

He'd have a bottle at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm and then his bedtime at 7.30pm. (He'd usually wake once in the night too for a 4oz) He'd average about 4 - 5oz per feed.

Now he feeds at 8am, 12noon, 4pm and 7.30pm and sleeps through the night :D

So every baby is different! I also thought Lewis should be on hungry baby food - then tried Hipp and he was absolutely fine on it so he didn't need hungry baby at all!
Ditto ignore the tin sharne. FF babies need demand feeding as bf baby would.
Thanks again for the advice ladies...

Hmm I've been heating the bottles up for about 15secs and he seems to be rinsing them!!! or at least down to half an ounze...

Yesterday he finished a bottle sooooooooo quickly and then the following one aswell!!

Going to see how it goes...


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