Too Excited....


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Hey Ladies

In an ultra Happy mood.... :) And very happy to report that My baby boy is fine.
Last week i was taken ill and rushed to hospital from work, the pain was immense. i was crying i couldnt get comfortable the worse thoughts were coming into my head. Ambelance service was amazing and i cannot fault them, the lovely guys gave me gas n air and i was crying and laughing at the same time... Strange right but i now know i would like gas n air in my birthing plans. :)

Anyways, i got to hospital said i have protien in my unrine... course of Antibiotics and sent me home. Checked my cevix the next few days and said it could be the position of the baby and booked me for a scan. Emergancy scan today and unfortunately my partner Tom couldnt make it as he had work, too late notice. My boy is lovely!! the lady said he is 2weeks behind on the growth but he will catch up. The reason for me being in pain (near bladder area) is because babies head is down. The lady was lovely and stuck with my son moving around not giving the measurements but we got there in the end. We finally was able to see his face and im happy to say hes looking handsome like his daddy but mummys nose YAY!! :dance: The pictures arent that clear as he literally wiggles the whole time. But i am so happy and no more sleepless nights worrying that because he hasnt moved that hes not ok.

(Think hes giving me pay back now tho, as im sitting in work and my belly feels like a washing machine... best reassuring feeling ever) It was hard to have the scan alone but i am over the moon my Boy is healthy and will be a healthy weight at birth.

Sorry for a long post but im just So happy :) Hope ur all enjoying the weather and not too hot!!
Love Alice

(Picture one is a side view of my Gorgeous Son, Picture two is face on you might be able to work out the eye sockets and nose, with his hands on his cheek all snug) :dust:


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Phew! Oh my, what an ordeal!! Glad all is ok with you and LO. He looks like a real cutie xx
Phew! Oh my, what an ordeal!! Glad all is ok with you and LO. He looks like a real cutie xx

It definately was scary, and ive never seen my Other Half run through a hospital quick enough. But yes my little Peawee is all well.. Thank you sweetie :) Hope you and Pickle are doing well?! xx
Awww how worrying!! Glad all is well!! x
Awww how worrying!! Glad all is well!! x

Thank you Babyem, the worse feeling wasnt the pain it was after the not knowing.
So im over joyed and will be making sure me and the other half have a relaxing night after a week of worrying :) Hope you are well?! xxx
Glad to hear you and LO are all fine, must have been a bit of a scare.... you have a little wriggler inside you then! He's a cute little thing! xx
Glad to hear you and LO are all fine, must have been a bit of a scare.... you have a little wriggler inside you then! He's a cute little thing! xx

Thank you Karate Kid, Yeah he moves alot so when all this ordeal happened and he stopped moving i was even more worried, but he sensed that mummy was tired and not well... He is mummys soldier really :). It was very scary but i can look at that and note it as an experience my little man is healthy thats all i care about... Thank you... 3D scans to follow soon i hope :)
Hope both you and your bump are doing ok... xx Alice xx
awww what a cutie, glad all is ok x
Phew! Oh my, what an ordeal!! Glad all is ok with you and LO. He looks like a real cutie xx

It definately was scary, and ive never seen my Other Half run through a hospital quick enough. But yes my little Peawee is all well.. Thank you sweetie :) Hope you and Pickle are doing well?! xx

Really well thanks, starting to relax and enjoy it more now, since everything seems to be ok now. Pickle is having a little party in there today, which is always nice to feel xx
So glad to hear everything is ok with ur little man!! Must have been so scary for u x

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Glad to hear your LO is ok :). Hope you are feeling better.
Aww what a cutie :) glad everything is ok! U must be so relieved Xxx
Thanks ladies....
Yes the relief when they told me he was all fine and like a weight of 10tone bricks on your shoulders being lifted off.
I guess ill have to get used to the worry because when he is here ill worry more as he gets to a toddler etc. The joy of being a yummy to what is going to seem like an adventurous baby haha...
Hope all you ladies are running smooth with your pregnancies. And that they are all kicking away happily. xxx

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