Too eager ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
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Hi Ladies

I think I am being too eager and now I am disappointed but still have a deep gut feeling that I am pregnant this time.

For the last 4 days I have had mild heartburn on and off and botty burps (TMI :oops: )

and for the last week i have constant porn star nipples! lol

Last night I was sooo tired I fell asleep sat up in the chair at 7 o clock !

And today had some mild cramping, more like a dull ache and like shooting pains around my belly button.... and feel really bloated.

Mega thirsty too all weekend and today and mild lower back ache on and off... more so tonight.

Just had this mad urge to go to ASDA and get a test... clearblue digital and it said 'Not pregnant' ARGH!!!!

I am approx 11 dpo so think i am testing way too early.... test said 4 days early is the max.

Ohhhhh :( :( :(

What do you ladies think?

I don't know, I'm having alot of the same symptoms at the moment, heartburn, really tired, thirsty, windy, sore bbs and nipples! But I'm only 4dpo, hoping I OV'd earlier this month but am gonna wait a while longer. I reckon if you haven't had AF by the time testing day arrives in 4 days, test again. It's probably too early hun. Good Luck!! :hug:
When can I use a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test?

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Tests can detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, at any time of the day, from the day your period is due.
i have just read up on digitals and they mesure a shockin 50 (hgc level)

so im gonna stick to chepies, it better at lower lvls. they say u can test 4 days from your period but most done get a result til 7- 14 days after your missed period.

think i made sense lol

good luck

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