Too Big For My Dates?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hello mums,

I'm posting this here because I don't know where else to post it... I hope you can help...!

Most ladies are really proud of their bumps - and I was... But lately I'm starting to worry because I seem a lot bigger than I should be with regards to my dates.

I've had a feel around and so has my mum (to double confirm what I thought) and I know some MWs do this to check a rough idea of the dates to feel how high the womb is and mine seems to be just above my belly button (approx 5 months)? I read that at my stage, it should be half way between my belly button and pubic bone..

Also, I've had another problem which I'm 99% sure is related.. My stomach seems to be up near my ribs and whenever I eat it goes there and is really uncomfortable.. Whenever my tummy grumbles it's up there etc. I'm getting uncomfortable sitting down and everything seems very squashed for my stage?

I'm getting really embarassed and down whenever someone asks how far I am.. When I tell them they look bemused and it's really disheartening, I should be over the moon with each little growth but I feel embarassed..

I'm panicking in case there are more than one in there and it wasn't picked up, or my other crazy idea that I've got into my head is that I might have a really big cyst that has grown or something wierd that shouldn't be in there?!

My mum says she thinks she saw another sac at my scan... She is adament, I didn't because I didn't want to look until the MW said she could see my baby and that the heartbeat was present.

Anyway, basically, what I'm asking is that is this normal? What else could it be? Did any of you have a similar experience with any of your children? Do you know anyone that has?

Sorry for the essay lol :oops: Here's my bump (looks smaller?! :? )



(EDITED 17/02/08)
on first glance if im honest, yes you look bigger then 13 weeks. But i wouldnt worry about it. Not all that is baby, alot of women swell and hold alot of water in the first few months. (like they do when its time of the month) Bloatedness might be a problem too. Have you been constipated? (when pregnant the digestive system slows right down, so that can also make you look 'fatter')

If you are really worried book to see your midwife this week and explain your concerns, she my beable to scan you (or make another appointment for you) to relieve your mind. :)
cute bump! if ur concerned tell ur MW about it, but many women hold a lot of water- my bump was big i was always told i looked further along than i was. are u little? coz im little (5'4", size 6) so my bump probably just looked big even tho it was a normal size, that could be why?
if i were u i'd speak to ur MW to put ur mind at rest :hug:
Thank you :hug:

Yeah I am concerned, a lot. I absolutely adore this cherub already but I'm wearing really baggy clothes etc and always thought I'd be one of those who love to show it off.

I'm not constipated (thank god, but know it's to come!!) but I see what you mean about the water thing.

It's just that my tummy (from belly button down) is rock solid and there is a definite line of where (I assume) my womb is... Eek I'm so so scared :wall:

I will ring my MW tomorrow, even if she books me in to check, at least I'll be on my way to a clear answer as to why xxx
Hey Dannii, I really wouldn't worry about it. You look really good, and not too big, my bump is slightly bigger but this is my 2nd child. I was always big with my first pregnancy and constantly measured bigger than my dates but it was never an issue - just meant I had a good sized baby, he was 8lb140z. If you are really concerned then speak to your midwife, but as long as they are happy with your progress and you are not unusually big, I doubt if they will worry about it. Everybody is different and we all grow at different rates so don't be alarmed if you are not the same as others. It might be that your uterus is closer to the front than other women so it will show sooner and harden quicker. I think you've got a lovely bump, you should be really proud and treausre it!! x
Thanks ladies :hug:

I forgot to add about my stomach... (edited my original post)..

ok, don't panic.

now look at this:


you'll never guess how many weeks I was here. Go on, I dare you.


yes, you heard me right, SIX.

I rest my case.
Xena :rotfl: that's some bump!

Dannii, I've looked massive throughout my pregnancy and get people commenting on it all the time (you will see evidence from my teary posts in Tri 3 after aquanatal).

I think Trixipaws has a point though... I'm petite (5'1" and was a size 6/8 so I think it just naturally looks massive on me cos the baby is the same size).

Definitely speak to your midwife - if she has any concerns she'll let you know but I'm sure all is well.

Cute bump by the way :hug:

(Maybe you're also having a girl like me and Trixi? Mind you Tilly is massive and she's having a boy...)
My bump is massive too! When I was approx 13 weeks I went on a first aid course and the other delegates thought I was about 5 months as well!! My bump still is massive, as both me and hubby were big babies, the MW suspects this LO is gonna be a biggy too. Speak to your midwife but as long as you feel ok i wouldnt stress about it too much!! xx
Hello, my bump is massive too, I started showing at about 10 weeks and all the way through people have looked at me with disbelief when I tell them how far gone I am. Different people show in different ways (look at the tummy pics in tri 3), some people have much larger bumps than others so I wouldn't worry too much.

Also, are you someone who naturally puts weight on their tummy - I ask because when I put on any weight it goes straight to my tummy, so I think that my bump was bigger to begin with because of this.

Hope this helps, but as the others have said ring your midwife if you are still worried - it is what they are there for.
Have you had a 12 week scan? If so you'll be fine - they adjust dates and things around what they see and would have flagged up changes of dates or problems.

From the fact your mum saw a sac I am wondering if you had a scan much earlier, before baby was an embyo. If so, you might have a surprise at your next scan though I would have thought the sonographer would have noticed. If it was at your 12 week scan they would have noticed twins for sure.

I needed maternity trousers at your stage as I didn't fit my usual ones but I don't think my bump was as pretty as yours. I just looked fat :?

My stomach was very tight for a lot of 2nd tri - I remember telling OH that baby just couldn't grow anymore because there wasn't space and getting a bit upset about it.

After my fundal height was measured at my 16 weeks appointment (which I had at 18+4) I tried to find the top of my uterus and couldn't. It could be you're measuring something else.

What I'm trying to say is : don't worry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
But do see your midwife if you are really concerned so that she can reassure you and identify any problems. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey hun...

I was always big for my dates, although didnt start really showing until about 15 weeks i made up for it in 2nd and 3rd tri where it never stopper.

You may find that you even out later on? Just a thought.

But if you are ever concerned just speak to MW.
I thought i saw two sacs at my first scan with DD but dont forget as water shows up black on the scan your bladder will show up. In my case MW laughed and said it was my bladder!
Hi Dannii87

Try not to worry im sure everything is more than fine, like everyone else has said speak to your mw.

I know Tillytots was worried about the size of her bump (sure she wouldnt mind me saying this) and recently she has found out she's carrying more than normal fluid so maybe you could be too. Why not have a nosey at Tillytots bump in the Tummy pics in 2nd tri?

I think you look fab, and your bump is nice and perfectly formed.
Yes its me with the mahooooooosive bumpage :rotfl: :rotfl:

I have a scan tommorrow to check whats going on in there, hopefully everything is good. From day one of being preggo I have been showing and I look much further gone than I really am. It wasnt until last week though that I actually measured 'large for dates' Everywhere I go I cause a stir with my bump size :lol: Its so big I still have moments where I think it must be twins but tommorrow Im going to make sure they look properly just to check!!!!! :lol:

Here we go...


Im 5"1 and with this size bump I waddle worse than a duck and look like Im about to drop any second!! I sure will mjiss it when its gone though.

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