Todays the day......


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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Im meant to test!!!

AF didnt come Sunday or yesterday so I was going to test today but Im not sure now.
Im so scared of being dissapointed.
Ive been having real sharp pains down the left side of my stomach (nothing like AF pains at all,much more painfull)and dull AF like pains all over my stomach so Im not sure wether or not to test all leave it a while longer to see if the pain are AF pains,ahhhhhhhh decissions,decissions!!

What would you do guys?

Don't be put off by AF pains, I had them with both of my BFPs
I say least it will stop you wondering! :hug:
tested.....BFN :(

Ill try again in a week though if AF doesn come though
I think she will though Im in agony,worst pains Ive ever had,I never really suffer with really bad AF pains or PMT but they are both hitting me hard ths month.

Oh well next cycle will be mine :)
:hug: :hug:

Hey it's not over until AF turns up.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you

Thanks all :)

I supose its not over till the wicked witch arrives but im not going to get my hopes up!!

I just wish if she is going to come she will hurry up so I can start planning bd'ing and tell my oh what nights hes not allowed out on :rotfl:
Still no AF yet ladies,do you think I could have tested too early? Im going to test again next tuesday if AF hasnt come by then.
Im usually very regular since I came off the pill 8 months ago so would there be a reason I would suddenly go irregular :?
i've been reading up today and som women don't create enough hormone to get a BFP until two weeks after AF was due..... :shock: :shock:

I would be in turmoil if it took that long for me.

Keep your finger crossed and hope that eveil AF doesn't show up.

just a quick update girls.....

Still no AF!!!!! 4 days late now,Im dieing to do another test but Im ging to try and wait untill next tuesday which will a week after I first tested and got BFN.
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Hey Babyboo!

I am in the same boat! I am 7 days late and no sign of AF and all my tests have been BFN too!

Fingers crossed for us all eh!!!
xxx babydust to everyone!!
defo fingers crossed :pray: hope you get your BFP very soon :hug:

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