Todays the day

i am so happy and very excited :D can't quite believe it will actually happen at last, been shopping already and totally loving it so no doubt credit cards will have to come out soon lol, our daughter who is 12 is chuffed to bits and my hubby is still a bit shellshocked (might be because of his decreasing wallet) we were really expecting the worst and cant believe our luck that we will after nearly 13 years bcome parents again :D :dance: :dance: :dance:
:hug: Congratulations ! ! a boy!! :dance: :clap: Well done... and now lots of blue shopping!!! :cheer: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Did you have a feeling as to what the sex was before the scan susie?
Hope everything goes well and hope you fell better after seeing the baby on the scan!
frangelle said:
Did you have a feeling as to what the sex was before the scan susie?

i think i did have a gut feeling but still felt shocked :?
So pleased for you both! Must be very re-assuring to have that scan out of the way :D

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