Todays MW Appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Saw my allocated MW today for first time since 16 weeks!

She tested my protein for me but thankfully came back negative, though BP is up again (now 143/95!) which she is concerned about as I still have every sign of pre eclampsia, but just don't have it!!

Baby is measuring 39 weeks which was a shock as he has only ever been measuring 1 week ahead! :shock:

He's still head down, but back to back, so lots of bouncing on my ball!

She was also concerned about my Iron levels, and that no one has mentioned it to me! She gave me advice on foods, and said to ask doc for iron supplements.

Finally, also got homebirth booked in! :cheer: So we're all set!

Next appointment with MW is not til day after my due date :shock: Scary!!
wowee!! eventful appt eh! 8)

great that u dont have pre-eclampsia......hopefully the symptoms go away soon!

lil buggar.....hope your bouncing encourages him to move! :cheer: xx
good news on protein, hope blood pressure stays well for you, surprised she isnt calling you back in to check again before due date, scary isnt it when you think next appointment you will be a day over, who knows you might not need the last appointment. 8) Good news on homebirth i would like to stay home too as i´m sure it would be less intrusive, but ive had 3 venthouse deliverys and i´m sure the next will be too.My appointment is in the morning and i´m hoping she will say its heads engaged as its darn uncomfortable down there!!! :lol:
Eek, keep on top of that pre-e. I have some symptoms too, fortunately the urine sample came back without protein. Good luck on the homebirth and keep bouncing on that ball :D
Thanks ladies! :)

Think I need a new ball. I have tried sitting on it, but my knees are up to my armpits!! (I'm 5ft 10!)

I'll try getting a space hopper instead!!

Oooh I love space hoppers. I had a yellow one when I was a kid!

Yay for the lack of protein but :( for the blood pressure! Do you get a 38 week midwife appointment too? I would think they would be wanting to keep an eye on you, especially in this heat :hug:

Wow biff bubs for you ;) And so glad you get to have your homebirth :)

My midwife told me that kneeling on all fours and rocking back and forwards helps move babies from back to back into 'all systems go' position :D She suggested scrubbing floors whilst in this position :roll: :D
Oooh!! Apparently if you get on all fours and wiggle your hips it encourages baby to turn around!!

Glad everything went well - Sounds like she's a good MW by discussing everything with you :cheer:

dannii87 said:
Oooh!! get on all fours and wiggle your hips


Dannii, this isn't the time or place to start expressing your pervertedness! :shakehead:
OI!! :talkhand: You've misquoted me and quoted me in the wrong context!!! :shakehead:

And you should know by now I'm very very innocent! :angel: x

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