Todays consultant apoointment


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Not good news :sad:

My blood presure is now 140/95...

Went in to see the doc and she is sending me for an emergency scan tommorrow morning... She is concerned at a few things -

1...She is only getting my bump measuring 30 cm (should be 34) but my mw had it last week at 32? She is worried that baby might not be growing as much as should be.

2..She was worried she is not feeling enough fluid in my tummy.

3..she wants to check the blood flow getting to bubs

I am so worried nobody will believe. :shakehead: I just feel everything has come crashing down around me. She said if there was protein in my urine they would have admitted me today but depending on what comes back on scan they might admitt me tommorrow....
Oh Erin, what a day you have had. Try not to panic or worry too much, see what they say at the scan. They are most probably going to rule out those things and are doing so as a precautionary exercise because they have a duty of care and are bound by that. Massive :hug: and an extra :hug: because I can imagine you must be feeling awful xxxx
What a rubbish day for you, sorry its been so bad. Like RM said they will hopefully rule all those things out for you. BIG :hug: for you.
Oh Erin, try not to panic (easily said that done - I know!!) A lot of it is only for precaution - they have to be sooooo careful with us pregnant ladies!! Anything that is slightly not right - They need to send you for a check up!! Its better they are like this I suppose!! I am sure after tomorrow - you will feel better!! Stay positive and remember they are just being extra careful.......

Take it easy & get your OH to pamper you tonight x
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Im sorry things arent going well for you.

Try and stay positive though. My bump only grew 1/2cm in the past 2 weeks or so, and everythings fine so hopefully once they scan your little one you'll just be able to enjoy seeing them again :)

Ill keep all my fingers crossed for you that everythings ok. x
chin up hun and try to relax i had high bp with my dd and depleated fluids which was why i was induced my bp went up and down like a yoyo and the more they stress you the worse it gets my sizing scan said i was having a 9-10lb baby i had a 7lb one half the time they dont have a clue but if they think there a prob they will sort you out best of luck xxx
Oh Erin, I hope it all goes well tomorrow. I can only imagine the worry! Do let us know how you get on if you can, hopefully you'll be back home with your feet up after the scan tomorrow!! :hug:
sorry it didn't quite go to plan today...try as best you can to relax tonight, make sure OH looks after you and get some rest. Hopefully the scan will rule out everything they're worried about tomorrow - I can only imagine how worried you are, I had a taste of it last week with an emergency scan but thankfully all was fine, there's only so much they can tell from feel alone I guess. Let us know how you get on! xx
hope all goes well for u, try not to worry about bump not being big enough, with my last baby when i got to 29 weeks i was only measuring 24 weeks they sent me for scans every week to make sure baby was growing, i ended up with an emergency c-section at 34 weeks as they thought my waters may have gone and that baby had lost weight and told me he would weigh around 3 1/2lb maximum, well we proved them wrong he was actually fine apart from a slight bowel infection and weighed in at 4lb 1 oz. fingers crossed for you and loads of hugs xxxxx
Sorry to hear that you are going through a stressful time atm hun, but try to relax and as someone said earlier get yourself pampered so you feel better for tomorrow.
I'd say they are just being cautious and like some people have already said their babies were measuring smaller but were absolutely fine. Try not to worry hun.
All the best for tomorrow :hug:
Thanks girls. Hopefully I will be home tommorrow and report all is well. I guess If you dont hear from me you know they have kept me in x
:hug: Oh dear that mustbe worrying. Just keep reminding yourself that they just have to check to be on the safe side. FIngers crossed you get good results. Let us know x
they worried me with this on every pregnancy well the growth part anyway and had to have extra scans on each 1 like you i measure weeks behind and said i was having small babies blah blah but my 1st who they say would be around 5lb came out 7lb 10oz and its not just that hospital i have been in 2 different countries and on each pregnancy they said the same hope all goes ok for you hun xx
Oh hun sorry to hear you bp is so high - at least they are looking after you well - good luck with scan tomorrow xx
aww so sorry to hear about your problems hun, how strange. maybe baby was just in weird position? you don't know for sure do you. hopefully all will be explained today and you wont have to worry anymore! good luck hun xxx
Hope it all goes well at the scan today and that they don't keep you in honey x

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