Today is a really good day!!! :)


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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So today we found out hubby's sperm test results and they came back really good!! Such a relief after all the medication he has to take. Also had an appt at the hospital about his crohns today and all is going well there too! He feels really positive now as do I!!
So now I'm going to STOP obsessing, look forward to going to new York in a couple of weeks and Christmas.
I'm just feeling so much more positive and I think my hormones are finally sorting themselves out. I'm happy happy happy!!! :)
oh thats great news!! like you say you can relax and it will happen!! xxx
Thanks girlies, if I'm honest the whole time we have been ttc I have been getting obsessive at times. My hormones have been all over the shop, making me moody, tearful and hyper. Lol
So it's good to feel 'normal'!
:dust: to all.
Great news!

Enjoy new York I love it there well hubby did propose to me there so might have something to do with it!

Lovely news! Really made me smile :) Have a lovely time in NY! xxxx
Well thats great news. Its so hard not to obsess becuase its such a long wait to find out if its gone okay and theres a whole future riding on it. No pressure.

Fab to be of to NY i lived there for 3 years and loved it. Dont forget to take very warm clothes and waterproof shoes as it can be minus temps in the day in dec. How christmasy it will be though, see if you can watch home alone 2 before you go to get you in the mood. Brill shopping in chinatown for bizarre things! x Daisy

Onwards and upwards.
So pleased to hear that Tanya!
Can I ask how long ot took to get the results back,I know all hospitals are different but just wondering as my OH has his test booked for 16th December. I have a follow up appt with fertility specialist for all results on 26th March. So want to move this forward!!
Also, is the medication your hubby on for ttc purposes or something else?

Sorry for the questions , hope you can help, really glad you are feeling positive - can only help towards that BFP!! xxx
Hi corrinne!
His results were back after 2 weeks but we only knew that cos the doctor rang him. He didn't ask how long they took to come back when he handed the sample in as he was embarrassed bless him so we just waited patiently!!
His medication isnt related to ttc. He has crohns disease and has been on and off steroids since dec last year and also just started taking azathioprine which is an immuno suppressant of which we don't know what effects this could have on ttc. The docs say it won't affect things so we are hopeful now he is off the steroids our chances may improve. The only reason the doc did a sperm test is because of the steroid use as they can cause infertility when used a lot so it's a big relief that things came back good. In fact they said the average man had 2-4 million spermies in a sample and he had 3 million so I thought that was pretty good!
How come your oh has to have time booked for his test? My doc just gave us a tube and he did it when he felt like it. We just had to obstain from sex for 72 hrs prior to it and get it to the hospital within the hour.
Really hope things come back good for you. My only worry mow is that if everything is ok with my oh and we still don't fall pg then it must be me who has a problem! Anyway gonna give it another 6 months then will go back if I'm still not pg.

Good luck xx
Thanks for the info Tanya,
OH was referred to a private hospital where semen analysis is all they do!
So they dont seem to just do it at my normal hospital!
Your way sounds better - atleast he can do it in the comfort of his own home!! ha ha!

Yes I would give it a few more monghs trying and if still no BFP then push for some tests for you.

Good luck!! xx

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