Today am Loving / Hating


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Seen this on afew different forum boards, and I think its quite fitting for this forum Board, All you have to do is follow my lead..... and you put what your loving and hating today.

Today am Loving:-

:D 1/2 Days at Work during the chrimbo period but getting paid for a whole day
:D The fact I have 2 months supplies of Chocolate after the Christmas Months
:D My new GHD's my fiance bought me
:D My ipod my fiance bought me!!!

Today am Hating:-

:( That am only on Day 4 of my Cycle and test day/ovalation day seem miles away
:( That my Target of getting pregnant and having a baby by the end of 2007 is diminishing rapidly (I only have 3 months left to hope for a baby by Dec 07
:( That my 2nd Target of having a baby before the age of 25 is also diminishing rapidly and I only have 6 months to get pregnant and to give birth to baby before my 25th birthday.
:( People that get pregnant at the drop of a hat
:( Big Fat Negatives.

Whats everyone else loving and hating?
today im loving

:D listening to music
:D munching on chips
:D not getting dressed
:D the fact xmas is over.

im hating

:( my dogs being less than helpful
:( cleaning the house which is a pig stye
:( my OH not helping with the cleaning again (in fact he has gone out)
:( not being able to find my scan appointment card
cool thread!

:D Sitting here all snuggly with my daughter, me on laptop her on psp
:D ive still got a whole week before going back to work!
:D I could be getting a new year BFP
:D christmas day was a complete success and we had a great time
:D post-coital-inner-glow is still with me from 3am hehe

:x im dreading tomorrow - a 500 mile round trip to take my daughter home
:x OH went back to work today
:x i know a new year BFN will be the straw to break my camel-like back
:x am now totally skint till end of jan
:x man, that chaffs
Super thread, love it....

:lol: Cuddled up with my doggie in the warm, its raining outside
:lol: Eating my body weight in choccie-lots still in fridge from Crimbo
:lol: Just been cuddling my 6 week baby niece, and can smell her on my jumper still, after she has gone
:lol: Got a tour of maternity unit tonight, will be seing where our LO will be born....very very soon

:x OH went to back to work today and I miss him dreadfully
:x Went to visit relatives before at mums-my aunt asked me as soon as I sat down when OH and I are getting married now I am PG....
:x Wanted to order a tumble dryer on line, and its out of stock
:x Need to hoover stairs but cant be bothered
Today I'm loving

:D All my Next bargains!
:D My OH has gone to get me chinese for tea
:D Rubie's in a really good mood

Today I'm hating

:x Coming home from town to a huge pile of washing up and OH sitting watching a DVD
:x OH son being a right pain in the bum
:x Realising my baby has just turned 1 and she's growing too quick
:D looking at all the outfits ppl thoughtfully bought me for ellouise for crimbo
:D the birth of my daughter due any day :D
:D hearing my nephew laughing in the background today when i rang my mum

:x being poorly!!!
:x knowing i have to get up early tomorrow for hte midwife :(
:x my car STILL being broken, after some twazock smashed the quarter light grr
Today im loving

:D the fact my best friend may be pregnant
:D i have so much wine and chocs to last me till next xmas
:D i had turkey for my tea and loved it
:D the kids went to bed with np probs and i can enjoy a nice glass of baileys

Today im hating

:x the fact my oh has gone on his staff night out with a bunch of tarts
:x i still have loads of weight to get rid of
:x i havent seen my living room floor since mon morning
:x there is nowt on tv
Today Im loving...

:D Its nearly Saturday when we'll find out if Bump is a boy or a girl!
:D Playing with Josh's new toys with him
:D My Nintendo DS
:D Snuggling up with OH
:D Feeling the baby flutter about in my tummy!

Today Im hating...

:x The house is a mess - toys EVERYWHERE!!
:x OH being at work again
:x Only 2 pairs of my old jeans still fit me
:x The cost of gas bills in this weather
:x My little boy is full of cold
today i have loved

eating the remains of the triffle :D

playing trivial pursuit with the girls :D

having a coffee and mince pie with my sister :D

watching coronation street :D

today ive hated

being husbandless after two whole days of husband company

having to constantly pick up bits of toys from the floor

having to eat the left over triffle (i know i put i loved it but u know what i mean)

putting lashing of fresh cream on my mincepie

changing rachaels nappy that smells of rotton brussels :puke:

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