to those in the last weeks of pregnancy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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i think around this time every pregnant woman becomes consumed with thoughts of the birth. Its almost as if thats all you think about and can often keep you awake at night and preoccupy thoughts in the day.

Its normal and anyone who says they aren't a little scared of the birth is lying.

Even though i have had 4 i did lay awake at night with all of them worrying about the birth and right at the end i became scared of the pain i was waiting for. :lol: :lol:

There is no reassurance i can offer anyone because there just isn't anything i could say to stop anyone worrying. But i can say that its not nearly as bad as you imagine.
When i had my first baby 9 years ago - i held her in my arms and i remember thinking ''is that it then?' I was so revved up for a dramatic birth i was surprised at how much less painful and traumatic it actually was.

The mistake i made was to watch all those horrid birth programmes on TV. But what you have to remember is that they only show the worse ones coz a ''normal ' straight forward birth is not good wahtching :lol:

What i always tell first time mums who tell me they are stressed about the birth is 'how many women do you see minutes after birth NOT smiling''
Ask anyone to show you a picture of them just after birth holding their bubba. They will surely have a grin on their faces. The pain all forgotten and their bundle of joy in their arms.

I just thought id write this. I hope its helped some of you. I can't get onthe forum much now as i have Baby Rachael to look after but anyone is welcome to pm me anytime about ANYTHING! Im not saying om an expert or anything coz i don't think anyone is a baby expert but i do have some experience and id love to be able to help anyone who i can. :)

:hug: Budge
Awwwwwwwwwwww thank you! It's helped me a lot, although strictly speaking I'm not right in the last few weeks yet, so I've not really started to worry about the birth yet. I'm far more worried about having a poo afterwards :rotfl: Mainly because the labour will, as you say, end in something so wonderful, and a poo, well it's not the same is it.... I should get me coat I can tell, but thanks a lot, and when I am in the home run I will re-read your post and feel happier as a result! :hug:
Thanks Budge! :hug:

It's so true about seeing pics of just after baby has been born and there are always plenty of big cheesy grins.

You always know the right things to say :hug:
gingerpig said:
Awwwwwwwwwwww thank you! It's helped me a lot, although strictly speaking I'm not right in the last few weeks yet, so I've not really started to worry about the birth yet. I'm far more worried about having a poo afterwards :rotfl: Mainly because the labour will, as you say, end in something so wonderful, and a poo, well it's not the same is it.... I should get me coat I can tell, but thanks a lot, and when I am in the home run I will re-read your post and feel happier as a result! :hug:

ginger pig please be advised that a poo after giving birth is almost as satisfying as giving birth after all the worry about having one. :lol: :lol:
:hug: Nice to see you again Budge with your fine words of wisdom :D

Thank you, your a great help :hug:
I know I've got 7 weeks to go, but lately I've been starting to realise that I am actually going to have to give birth :shock:
Its reassuring to know that its not that bad :hug:
Probably be pm'ing you budge in a few weeks time, when I start having panic attacks!! :wink:
I have been waking in the night with pains all excited then think oh my god I have to do it again!
But as Budge said its not as bad as they make out and you forget straight after untill you are ready to do it again!
As I have said before I found the stitches after worse.
But all that went away but I still have the most loving carring little boy to show for it.
Thank you Budge for thinking about us!! :hug:

It is reassuring to know that there are people out there who are willing to help alleviate our fears! :) I am sure we will all be calling on the advice of exprienced mums of this forum within the next few weeks!! And passing on advice to the newly pregnant - after all we are now old hands at it!! :shock: LOL

Seriously though I have been worrying a bit about it and its nice to know that this is normal.

Awwww thanks Budge.
That's really sweet and has definitely made me feel better!
Got a way to yet-but thank-you for taking time to write that, it's really reassuring :hug:

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