to the pope


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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Long Live the Pope

If Hook man Hamza can stand outside Buckingham Palace burning the union jack and get away with it, i think its ok for the pope to recite a 600 year old historic document. :D
i agree budge, i got handed a leaflet in my shopping centre that could only be described as stated without a mincing of words that allah was the only god and anyone believing in any other god was going to hell...if a christian gave out leaflets stating anyone who didnt believe in jesus would go to hell..there would be a riot!!!
I think they are both wrong. Hamza spreads hate and should have been deported on day 1. The Pope should have known better though he has apologised apparently.
fran_23 said:
i agree budge, i got handed a leaflet in my shopping centre that could only be described as stated without a mincing of words that allah was the only god and anyone believing in any other god was going to hell...if a christian gave out leaflets stating anyone who didnt believe in jesus would go to hell..there would be a riot!!!

we get peiople standing on the streets saying how we aregoing to hell as we don't believe in Jesus. I am all for free speach and the freedom to practice religion but I don't want it pushed into my face. Is it true he said these comments on the 12th September, if so not great timing, he really needs to sort out his PR.
beanie he was quoting from the koran.

"Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers'' 003.151

i can see nothing wrong with quoting factual historic documents. I odn't think he meant offence.

as i said earlier hamz (the hook man) got away with burnig union jacks and publically insulting christianity on british soil.
and he should have been deported as soon as he did so, if he does not want to live here and hates us so much then lets help him on his way.

Fair enough about the quote but to make a link towards islam and violence the day after the 9/11 anniversary is not really the smartest move. If he is so opposed against the link between violence and religion, as he was saying, then perhaps he should examine his own Church's history as well. This is why I don't follow any religion, too many people wanting to stir things up.
yes you're right,. The catholic religion is far from peaceful either. :roll:

religion is fine but itswhen its taken to extremes it becoems an issue.

Im afraid i have become apposed to Islam in particular and i am glad the Pope said what he said.
beanie said:
fran_23 said:
i agree budge, i got handed a leaflet in my shopping centre that could only be described as stated without a mincing of words that allah was the only god and anyone believing in any other god was going to hell...if a christian gave out leaflets stating anyone who didnt believe in jesus would go to hell..there would be a riot!!!

we get peiople standing on the streets saying how we aregoing to hell as we don't believe in Jesus. I am all for free speach and the freedom to practice religion but I don't want it pushed into my face. Is it true he said these comments on the 12th September, if so not great timing, he really needs to sort out his PR.

ok but i didnt mean it that way, there is no way that christians or anyone else for that matter should be allowed to hand out booklets in the street saying that their god is the one true god and everyone who thinks differently is on a one way collision path with the devil and all that is evil.
if they dont believe the teachings of any other religion fine thats a personal choice but they dont have to go out of their way to make a booklet detailing not only a dislike for them but listing reasons that it is WRONG to believe in any other god! i found it really out of order.
I agree, it is wrong to say such things, beileve in whoever you want, dont force you're beileves upon other people or threaten them if they dont beileve what you do.
I'm jewish and believe me we have all got really thick skins nowadays :lol:
we get peiople standing on the streets saying how we aregoing to hell as we don't believe in Jesus. I am all for free speach and the freedom to practice religion but I don't want it pushed into my face.
I agree, it is wrong to say such things, beileve in whoever you want, dont force you're beileves upon other people or threaten them if they dont beileve what you do.

couldn't have said it better myself girls!

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