to test or not to test...that is the question?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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I'm on CD10 and was wondering when I should start with the OV testing?

Last cycle was 32 days but I don't have regular cycles and last month I tested positive on days 16 & 17.

Is it to early to start them, should I maybe start in 2 days time? Also, when's the best time for me and OH to start BD'ing to ttc?!!

What do you think?

Hi hun, it all depends how irregular your cycles are. If the difference is 1 to 2 days every month (ex. C1 30, C2 32, C3 31) then you can safely start testing from day 13 till day 18 at least to make sure you don't miss your peak time! i hope you have loads of OV tests as its sometimes better to test twice a day if you get faint lines only, the best time for testing is between 10 am and 8 pm but try to avoid testing late in the evening. The day you get a dark line on the stick is the day your LH is at its peak, so you will probably ovulate 1 or 2 days later. This is when you should start bd and carry on until you have no lines on your tests. But as you have irregular cycles i would bd every day from day 12 till day 19 or 20 or every other day at least. This way you are sure to cover the whole of your fertile period.

Good luck :hug:
Thanks for the advice :hug:

I didn't test yesterday. I'm going to wait until tomorrow and then start them, which will be CD12. I bought a load of cheapies off ebay so I have plenty and a few clearblue's left from last month, which i'll use to make sure I definitely get a positive reading.

I don't know how long my cycles are as last month was the first month I started writing it down. I used to always mark in my diary when AF started but for some reason I'd stopped doing it, which isn't helpful to me!! They always used to be between 28-33 days so not regular at all.

Just told hubby...think he's going to die of exhaustion soon :rotfl:

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