To take or not to take....


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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.....Folic acid?

Hi ladies,

I was just wondering how many of you are still taking folic acid. On the advice of my doctor i stopped taking it at 3 months, but i've just spoken to a guy in work who's wife is pregnant and they have been advised to take folic acid all the way through.

I am now confused/worried :think: and wondering if my doctor is a complete idiot! Any ideas?

you are fine to have stopped it at 3 months. I too stopped at 3 months, and have been told that taking it for longer makes no difference to baby's development, it just rebuilds your reserves, which you can rebuild from foods if you have a good diet.
if you take a pregnancy supplement like pregnacare etc they have folic acid in it so your getting all the vits you need
Folic acid helps to develop the babies brain adn spinal cord, but after 3 months these have developed so its ok to stop taking the folic acid. It wont hurt you to keep taking it but it wont be of any extra benefit either if you continued :D
I just take pregnancy vitamins and it's in there but I started taking these at about 9 weeks but I took folic acid alone when we were ttc and for the first 9 weeks.

It's entirely up to you whether you still want to take something or not :D
I took folic acid while TTC and up until 14 weeks. Was told I could stop at 12 weeks by GP and MW. xx
Folic Acid is vital for baby development although all the really beneficial stuff happens in the first 9 weeks.... but up to 12/14 weeks is the recommended amount of time...
Won't do any harm to continue, but your choice. constipated me :oops: lol Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Thanks for your replies, I feel a lot happier now. :D
i didnt know i was pregnant well i had a feeling but no dates so couldnt do home test so done docs.

anyway as soon as i find out from docs i was i took it from there . was about from 8weeks onwards but tehn i have been having it in foods like brussell sprouts etc so think i may of had plenty anyway for baby :)

i stopped taking it from 13weeks i think just incase. id say if your doc says stop taking it then stop but think its up to u. mothers instinct nows best :)
Do you know if the quinny buzz can be folded down with the seat unit still attached?

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