To much Fluid???


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi Girlies

Sorry for popping in early as im actually not due to arrive here until Wednesday, but i really need to set my mind at rest and stop worrying.

Last week my movements had slowed down so i went to the hospital day unit to be monitored, 2 midwives and a doctor measured me and said by fundal height is 4-5cm more than it should be so i had to go back the next day for a scan! on my notes they wrote possible - poly hydramnios, which i immediatly googled when i got home and scared the living day lights out of myself!!

Anyway went for scan and baby is growing fine and healthy but there was far to much fluid so i do have the condition, but its obviously down to me not baby!! which is a relief, ive got to go back in a couple of weeks for a gestational diabetes test and another scan to monitor baby, but i feel huge!! im already breathless and feeling like im 8-9 mnths!!

Has anyone else suffered from something similar, were they ok?? or did baby come early?? im worrying about every little twinge and pain that i get, and im getting at least 4-5 painful braxton hicks a day!!

I never worried this much in my first pregnancy, sorry to rant on x x x x x
Tillytots had a LOT of fluid.. if you read her birth story she mentions soaking the midwives! Her gorgeous little boy came a little bit late and she had no problems as far as i'm aware!

I know it can feel scary but if the hospital are aware then you are being looked after and they should be able to answer any questions and reassure you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My mom had polyhydromnias with my brother. The pressure meant her waters went at 38 weeks, but she did not actually go into labour and was given the drip to induce her 12 hours later.

I have it now. I had already had a GTT that came back as negative. Like you, it is not caused by the baby.

For me, it has meant (according to the docs) that the pains and tightenings I get are down tho the pressure of having so much water. My fundal height is usually 6-8 weeks ahead of me. But with me, they baby is also measuring 6 weeks ahead. So, the sonographer questioned if my original dates were wrong.
Time will tell!lol

I read things on the internet. It scared me too. Best to just talk to docs and MW's. Internet gives the worst case scenario.

I guess you will be scanned regularly. I think the most common worst that can happen for a lot of people (unlike Tilly) is that the water pressure can send them into labour earlier that due date.

If you ever want to chat, feel free to pm me :)
sorry hun ive had no experience of this but like the others have said at least you are being monitored, im sure you will both be ok :hug:
aww hun, dont worry. I had my own little water park inside when I was preggo, I was bloody huge. There was no obvious reason for it, nothing wrong with me or bubs and he wasnt a biff as they predicted. He was born a healthy 8lb, 4 days overdue, spontaneous labour.

I measured large for dates from about 28weeks. I was tested for Gestational Dibetes which was clear, I had 7 scans to check growth and they predicted baby would be big :roll: I was warned about going into labour early and of things like cord prolapse which scared the shit outta me. As I mentioned I was absolutely fine hun and you will be too. Even if it is Polyhydramnios you will be monitored. Aslo I have to mention fundal height is bollox :hug: :hug: :hug:


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